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Sexual Blight

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Sexual Blight

At all times the damage was closely associated with sex. According to Hammer of Witches ", this is most often done by women, which the inquisitors were burned at the stake. In fact, damage to the sexual sphere may cause any person, just made this at an inopportune time. This may be someone who is too fond of swear words or constrains emotions, cursing all and sundry. Quite often these are engaged lovers and mistresses when they begin to be jealous of a spouse (wife). What can cause sexual corruption ?

1. Excitation of a passionate love with a extremely strong expression of sexual attraction.

2. Reduction or lack of ability to bear children.

3. Health problems genital mutilation, including the operating procedures.

4. The ability to make sexual corruption of human sexual maniac and bring him to the status of the animal.

5. Women, who had been hovering over corruption, deprived of the opportunity to give birth, or after fertilization is rejection of the embryo.

This is not an exhaustive list of sexual disorders mystical nature. In this connection, in the tradition of voodoo or Vedic knowledge preserved a huge number of rituals for the removal of sexual corruption, as well as a huge number of herbal formulas that restore sexual function. Must warn that it is not always sexual dysfunction - the result of the induced damage or the evil eye. Often, sexual function destroys the work, business, sucking in as alcohol, and all the sexual energy is directed to the main hobby. Growth of its own professionalism carries as a gamble. Care about prestige, increase their own rankings in the eyes of colleagues and competitors takes the man with all his power displays and requires a larger and larger power consumption.
What kills sex drive

Work becomes a drug, and only longed for, she brings a real pleasure and satisfaction. And the person refuses to sexual pleasures. Man can not switch from work to rest, with one "theme" to the other, intimate. He had forgotten how to relax. Modern new Russian workaholics driven favorite holiday to Canary Islands, and while she tans, they still continue to work with papers, instead of sleep, sleep, sleep, riprap and restoring depleted energy. Decreased desire and reduces sexual performance. Active business life summed up businesses to ensure that everything must be done at a pace, or not enough time for anything. As a result of sexual activity also accelerates the pace, sexual attraction is brief, infrequent, impulsive, his wife and partner often remain sexually hungry.

In connection with this common myth that his wife's business - always whore. It's all just because of the top communication from the flight of two human souls their love has become a mechanical act. The simplest explanation: he who engaged in work and career, the time for everything else becomes less and less. Elementary fatigue, moral and physical exhaustion - is quite a common reaction to accelerate the pace of life. The women involved in his career, the same problems as that of business men. The fact is that never before young wives, the crack did not live in a constant stressful environment. They must work and think about career, fighting for survival, give birth and recovery pityvat children, and all that - if possible at the same time and with success. Spouses complain of a lack of love, the sensual side of relationships in such unions is not simply speech.

Television also kills the sex drive. Long-term studies of French sociologists argue that the more we watch TV the less sexual desire, and this applies to people of all ages. Neuroscientists explain this as follows: the excitation is due to release endorphins in the body. When we watch TV, the brain is excited, and endorphins are allocated in small amounts, but constantly. Someone who had spent the evening watching television, to bring the bed is extremely difficult. It is safe to say that TV family induce spoilage. Psychologists have recognized that the information falls on our heads from the pages of newspapers and magazines, in movies and on television, on the cover of the CD-ROM drive, and even plastic bags in which we carry products, information, alive with erotic and sexual themes, sophistication and distortions is able to nullify any carnal desire. We unconsciously watching these images and pictures, put off in his head negative information about sexuality, as a result do not want to fall so low as video production has fallen all around us, whether it is depicted on billboards or pouring on us from the video.

Sexual desire decreases also an abundance of alcohol, which in the modern world took too large a role. Alcohol fuels the sexual arousal and makes people more relaxed in this state more easily overcome awkwardness to overcome shyness. Intoxication can not ignore unpleasant character traits partner, paving the way for sex. But it was alcohol reduces sexual function and makes a man and a woman is sexually weak. Because of alcohol are disproportionately affected men, they have reduced the potency, it can acquire unnatural shape. Some men who are constantly vzbadrivayas alcohol, train yourself to have sexual intercourse only in this state. Otherwise, they no longer can, becoming completely dependent on alcohol.

The first signs of irreversible impotence, expressed in the fact that sexual intercourse becomes difficult even in a state of intoxication. If the person in front of sexual acts drank even a little, there is the risk of irreversible impotence. Although impotence arising in the early days after the rejection of alcohol in most cases are curable. Alcohol is a different effect on men. In some might anorgasmia, that is, inability to reach orgasm, others becomes difficult to cause an erection, and others often licentiousness, resemble coarse animal than, of course, the disgust, the fourth start big problems with the ejaculate. Perfect sex - sex without a drop of alcohol. Drunk partner is not able to sensitively assess the state of sexual partner, so that, subtly and skillfully working on erogenous zones, bring a woman to orgasm. Knowing all this, it is worth considering the termination excessive libations. We even do not think that they themselves are the enemies of erotic pleasures.

Nutrition plays an important role in sex, it can both inhibit and stimulate sexual desire and sensation. It turns out that sex and eating pleasurable in strength can be compared with each other. But if sex is no substitute for food, the food replaces sex with great success. Abundant food compensate their sexual frustration, many single men and women. Feeling full choke appeal of the body, forces the body goes on digestion eaten. A man gets into a vicious circle where, polneya of gluttony, he begins to hesitate a less attractive body, avoids intimate relationships, and to drown out the love instinct, consumes large amounts of food, as a result - obesity. This requires a tremendous effort of will to return to a healthy, fulfilling life.

Overeating can win other than volitional effort is also preparing meals and beverages, which will not grow heavy, but at the same time do not experience feelings of hunger and become erotically configured and arranged to have sex. Later, I'll give the names of several herbs and recipes of dishes from these potential sources of natural sexual arousal.
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