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Sexual Dependency

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Sexual Dependency

Plain woman often finds himself in front of male sexual addiction, but that sexual addiction is not physiological and purely psychological. If a man is a sex addict from a woman, it is not a psychological and physiological dependence exclusively. Sometimes, once in a sexual relationship, some men "erased" as a person, from which it derives a large number of divorces, the decay of marital and romantic couples. Not all men can talk about it openly, not all are aware of the fact of sexual addiction, although many will feel it.

The phenomenon of sexual addiction is known for a long time. In medieval novels, tells about the men of noble birth and of different ages, drop it all: a noble title, noble and rich environment for women, sex with whom he had a magical power over them. The power of women over their lovers attributed to diabolical forces, the most serious and educated people of the Middle Ages believed that these women use magic potions. Great Paracelsus also sought contacts with "fascinating" women, hoping that they will share with him the secrets. And only in recent years, with the advent of sexology biochemical and electronic research methods, sexual addiction has become a subject of scientific study.
Sex addiction arises, as a rule, those men whose sexual function is located at the lower limit of normal. Such men, and their approximately 20%, with excitation observed incomplete erection, which occurs very slowly. It is enough to make sexual intercourse, but the feeling remains weak erection, and a man and his partner. Most of these men eventually adapt to the peculiarities of their sexuality, to compensate for the lack of potency foreplay, what brings joy and delight of constant partner. They are not impotent, have experience in premarital or extramarital sex life, however, very modest. Firm for three sex life, we may well put them. And such a person enters into an intimate relationship with a woman who has developed "an aura of attraction", and then his excitement reached an elite level. Such a man greatly surprised when, during intercourse feels that a woman's genitals is much more developed, the so-called circular muscles are very active, that during sexual intercourse partner, this muscular ring as it locks the male sexual organ. Man for the first time in my life feels, what his ecstatic, intense and gorgeous body esteem. The man from troechnika immediately jumps to the best students. And it's not all.
Magic of Love

Currently, almost certainly proved that every woman in the "quality" sexual act becomes a source of such biological agents and electromagnetic waves, "revitalizing" partner. But if it's an ecstatic state of women-witches, the whole complex of these effects on the body partner increases from four to eight times. Prominent Swedish researchers noted that in ecstasy a truly phenomenal phenomenon: dramatically increases skin conductivity woman and her partner, resulting in a woman "impose" a man's heart beat and blood flow to your heart as much more healthy. Marked improvement of cardiac activity of men remained from an hour to four. The man not only feels sexually powerful, he feels physically strong, tireless, able to "operate" without fatigue, and sexual intimacy outside.

Unfortunately, women who experience this magical ecstatic state, giving a powerful relaxation and your body and the body to a partner, just a little. According to specialists, they are not more than 3-4%, that is, for every hundred women have three "possessor" magical abilities. What can I add - the Inquisition did their best. The situation is different in the East, in China, India, where schools have survived the Tao and Tantra, which faithfully kept their secrets. And yet women can develop their anatomical and physiological abilities, which were originally laid in every woman. According to modern sexology, such abilities are every third woman, but in most they remain undiscovered opportunities. For me, the word witch - a delightful word. It means - Veda woman, that is a wise woman. Wisdom is not only enriches the mind and soul, and this differs from the mind. These qualities are "imprinted" and when the brain with its huge reserves of information perishes, the soul remains, and that does not have age, wisdom, the soul continues to live.

Feel their Vedic roots, sexual energy, not previously used, then reincarnated in a totally new quality in a completely new woman. Every man should be proud, if it wakes up next to a new quality of a woman's soul. If the partners will have a desire to learn to use their sexual energy in new ways, then this should go step by step, to strive and perform a variety of sexual techniques to a new force took them to China. Every religion tells the story of creation, but that does not mean that religion is a collection of legends about how the creator or creator created the universe. It tells the story of how living in the moment, men and women participated in a continuous process of creating the universe. Creation is no end; it is an eternal process. Our sexual energy continue to be included in the primary process of creation, upon which was set up all the material substance.

Love - the most magical part of human life. Fall in love - all the same that get under someone's spell. Love - a certain kind of trance that is changing our lives and makes us feel so good that, contrary to common sense, we look forward to an eternity of this feeling. When we love, we feel a great cosmic connection not only with those whom we love, but also with all people. When we love, our heart is "expanding", and we feel like our love transcends the earth's gravity and reach the most secluded corners of the universe. Love - it's something that we necessarily want to share, and being in love, we feel the heart that love - the main force in the universe, love - what we call God or Goddess.

Because the love - the best magic, the magic of witches always treated women who wanted to find a lover in need of assistance, seeking to draw attention to pleasing a man who wanted to strengthen the existing relationship. Most men and women lost their inner love, a feeling which is always within them. Many people are desperately looking for a miraculous decoction, conspiracy, or a talisman. They forgot that the power of love potion hidden in their own hearts. As a loving heart is capable of sending exorbitant power of the wave. People often become dependent on the "mechanism" of love magic, and without revealing her secret, which is confined to the love and confidence in himself, and this can only develop themselves. The large majority of amorous charms do not last long. Therefore, if a person does not open the mechanism of self love, then the effect of any love magic stops. Remember: there are no eternal love elixirs, unless they are supported by a loving heart.
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