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Sexual amulets

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Sexual amulets

Sexual amulets against corruption, witchcraft and evil have always been images of sexual organs, whether it is male or female organs. A woman's sexual organ is considered to sink, and in different variations. If a small shell or a snail to put in your pocket and always carry with them, then you will be protected from the evil eye. The most common symbol of female genitalia, used as amulets against the evil eye from ancient times to the present day, is a horseshoe. Horseshoe has a strong ability to protect against the forces of evil, and not just because it is made of metal. One explanation is based on the fact that its shape resembles a lunar crescent, which connects us with God and the Goddess mother of Welles. That is why the horseshoe is considered to be protective agent from the evil spell. However, the horseshoe will bring happiness into the house only if it found by chance. Horseshoe nailed to the doors of houses and churches and strengthen them over the doors.

Sexual amulets - images of male genitalia. For example, the phallus - the most important tool among the tools to deal with the evil eye. Have been widely circulated bronze phalluses with a loop for which the amulet could be hung. They are the symbol of the productive forces of nature, but also applied to reflect the envious looks. In the modern image of the phallus was replaced by an arrow. Having a gold charm shaped like an arrow, you'll be out of reach of the evil eye. In the old image of the phallus is often attached funny or fantastic shapes, sometimes phalluses do with wings and suspended from the bracelet on his wrist. To enhance the action of amulet that destroys spells to him attached metal bells. Such phalluses were hanged on foot or on the wrist, as well as on the headboard.
According to ancient Indian legend, the sacred mountain Meru was a silver table, it lay a silver bell and a lotus flower, which was in the middle of the triangle - the symbol of female genitalia. From the triangle sticking male sexual organ - the lingam. Lingam in Sanskrit means a sign, mark, symbol, a sign of sex. Images lingam often served as amulets. When I was in Tibet for half a year and learned from an old monk Lumpena Ciampi, he gave me a silver ring in the form of two folded and tied in a knot lingams. Once I started wearing this ring in my life stopped being separated from men, I met the one and only man, the wife of Sergei, on which Kupaly celebration of the ancient Slavs had conceived their daughter, who was born on the day of the Goddess Lada - March 25. So in my life mysteriously intertwined multiple streams of sexual energy and bring good fortune. I sincerely recommend to you all - use a variety of mystical elements, and your life may also be updated and will be festive.
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