Sexual energy
Working with sexual energy - one of the most powerful psychic, because it is based on the awareness and use of the main and most powerful instinct in man, embodied in his nature. The meaning of these instincts - to receive pleasure from anything associated with satisfaction the natural needs of the body and promotes the survival of individuals and entire species as a whole. This sexual relationship, promoting sexual reproductive and aggressive males vying for the leadership, and the herd instinct, the need for intimacy, communication and social security, and the process of food intake and defecation.
After seeing how powerful sexual energy in nature, we can understand how much it affects the behavior of living creatures. When males fight for the female, they come into the state in which almost does not feel pain from his wounds, do not notice the blood flowing, do not feel fear. A surge of sexual energy produces an anesthetic effect. Creative inspiration artist, religious ecstasy, the heroism and sacrifice are the result of spontaneous movement of sexual energy. Anyone who knows how to manage this energy, gets the key to what people usually consider a miracle, a manifestation of genius or divine will. But of this we still talk, but for now let us return to the question of increasing the intensity of positive emotions.
Man in civilization, overloaded excess flows coming from all sides of information and entangled networks of conflicting conventions, in particular relating to the issue of sexual relations between men and women, largely forgotten how to obtain the necessary for his positive emotions and satisfaction with the natural needs. Distracted by the incessant flow of thoughts, memories, to rehash past traumas and injuries, the painful and fruitless meditation on the uncertainty of the future, people have forgotten how to have fun (or at least the full enjoyment) from the simple and natural things - eating, drinking, nature, communication with friends, expressions of sexual desire, healthy functioning of your own organism, etc.

Therefore, if your existence seems boring and monotonous, if the conditions of your life not comfortable, but the prospect of future you are not happy, it does not mean that your life is so bad. Firstly, any situation can be at least slightly changed for the better (how to do it - a topic for another conversation), and secondly, you can go from obsession to unpleasant experiences to the positive experiences in the same situation. This is not difficult. But before we proceed to the exercises on the positive emotions, we define a basic concept with which we have already met in the pages of this book and with whom we continue to often have to work. It's orgasmic sensations.
Orgasmic sensations
Orgasmic sensations are a sign of sexual energy. Orgasmic sensations - is any feeling cold, warmth, tingling, tickling, flow, vibration, muscle contraction, etc., associated with the passage of sexual energy for various volumes of the body. Orgasmic sensations can occur in a variety of circumstances, not necessarily related to the contacts with the opposite sex. Caused by a sudden fright feeling the chill running through the back - orgasmic sensation. Orgasmic sensations are dizzy with the joy of victory, a particular feeling that comes in your mouth when you're anticipating fun, try a delicious meal or enjoy a bouquet of expensive wine, beating heart with delight at the sight of a beautiful landscape or a work of art and many other sensations that are experienced people .
Modern man, obsessed with the flow of information and daily concerns, has lost the ability to experience orgasmic feelings on many occasions. He just did not have time to pay attention to fleeting echoes of pleasure arising in his mind, drowning out their negative emotions generated by the fussy way of life, as overgrown nettles choke tentative shoots of garden flowers. In the East, the saturation of the human body the necessary number of refreshing and healing for body and soul orgasmic sensations were part of a necessary ritual. In Japan, this focused and tea ceremony, and the contemplation of cherry blossoms, and the creation of the tank - short poems in which people embody the state of his soul.
We do not just have to hear that people are attached to drugs or alcohol because their life is too empty, meaningless and monotonous and the only way in gay colors of a rainbow of good feeling for them is the use of psychostimulants. People who love life and know how to extract pleasure from a variety of its manifestations, does not need dope or an artificial stimulus. A man who knows how to extract pleasure from many things, even if life deprives him of some sources of joy, immediately able to replace them with others. Exiled in Boldino Pushkin was deprived of the society so beloved of women, deprived of his balls and noisy feasts with friends, but he drew inspiration and enjoyment in his work, creating beautiful poetry.
The higher the level of culture and human knowledge, the wider the range of his interests, the more opportunities it has to get pleasure from those things which others do not evoke even a weak curiosity. Usually the spectrum of things that interest people, formed in childhood. If parents were able to make a child curious and inquisitive, interested in its classical and contemporary music, history, literature, philosophy, flora and fauna, travel, creativity, etc., such a person in the future will be able to find for itself ever new sources of enjoyment. If the circle of human interests is limited only by earning money, setting-up the family and furnishing the home, then, if his plans are not implemented, or if in his personal life is difficult, he is unable to derive pleasure from additional sources, loses the sense of life satisfaction.