Sexual fantasies
To evaluate the role of sexuality and its possible manifestations in the marriages, it is necessary to extend some consideration of this phenomenon, unfortunately, modern, popular approaches to sexuality to not do the trick. For example, an attempt to reconcile sexuality with pleasure only problem is clearly not exhaustive. Sexuality is so attractive that people's imagination is engaged in mostly sexual fantasies. Furthermore, this phenomenon has long been troubled thinking people. It is hardly possible to explain the kind of attention a pleasure. Human sexuality has a disturbing and fascinating features. The fact that in antiquity in the East there was temple prostitution, shows not that back in those days, people believed that sexuality - it is something "natural" and enjoyable, but rather that, in their view, this peerless numinous experience allows you to make sexual activity even in the temple.
Sexuality - is not only a form of interpersonal relationships, usually between a man and a woman, because most of the sexual fantasy has nothing to do with whatever was on interpersonal relationships and can focus on the fictional characters. Should not be seen as sexy and pure pleasure, such pleasure from eating and tasty drinks. Neither the instinct of procreation, nor pleasure, nor interpersonal relations can not explain why there is a huge number of variations in sexual life and fantasies.
What are the prospects opening up before a man came into contact with the feminine? On the one hand, marriage or relationship with a woman on the other hand, sexual fantasies , aimed, of course, not procreation, human relations or pleasure, and a confrontation with the anime, with the feminine, the prisoners in the psyche of man and those around him, in reality . For women, everything is the same for the only exception that the object of confrontation is the animus, the top man.
Sexual fantasies of most men and women are more rampant and bizarre than their real sex life. Unfortunately, analysts and psychologists often arrogantly respond to such fantasies, and are inclined to consider their pathology. On particularly bright and unusual sexual fantasies patients psychologists, tend to react as follows: "This young man (or the young woman) is not yet capable of interpersonal relationships, as continues to be a victim of unnatural sexual inclinations."
Discussing the case of practice with a colleague, the analyst may say, for example, is: "My patient directs his unbridled sexual fantasy image of one of his friend. And all because he still lacks tenderness. " We often hear that some elderly man suffering from senile lasciviousness. In this context, often used the phrase "flight to the imagination." Such a condescending attitude to fantasies that are perceived as pathological, destructive effect on the psyche of the patient. Individuation occurs not only in terms of projections, in interpersonal relations, and by logical reasoning, but through living symbols associated with the spiritual and the bodily and wholly fascinating man.
It must be emphasized that the sexual life, and especially its manifestation in fantasy, is an intensive process of individuation, expressed in symbols. Therefore, for such a development should be respected. Assume that this phenomenon is primitive and, although it has a certain symbolic significance, is a mere sublimation, which subsequently experienced a higher level - then refuse psychological position. It should, of course, bear in mind that we are not talking about wild, unbridled sexuality, about which he wrote Wilhelm Reich. Sexuality and in particular fantasies on this subject with its myriad mysteries and charms - just one of the mediums of individuation, but this is not a medium, which is par excellence (for the most part), promotes the process of individuation.

One day I was treating the student-fetishist who was detained by police on charges of stealing women's underwear. Then I just started practicing as a psychiatrist. I have tried to disclose certain psychodynamic context behind the apparent behavior of a young man, and thereby help him. At one of the sessions he triumphant voice, read to me the place of "Faust", which is described as Faust meets Helena. After a long search for the hero was finally face to face with the most perfect woman in the world, with beautiful Helen, and when she disappeared, he remained in the hands of her headscarf.
"Women - and without a symbol - a student told me .- Perhaps the experience of contact with the female essence of deeper, if a person has only the subject of women's clothing, an object that symbolizes a woman. At least, such a person never forgets that the fantasy is significant, however, than the reality. " In a sense, this patient was right. He kept his sexuality or to procreation or to pure pleasure, nor to the relations between the people he understood it as something symbolic.
Thanks to him, it became clear that sexuality must be understood differently than I did this until now. I began to ponder the fact that sexual deviance ironic way often correspond to the phenomenon of sexuality than the so-called norm. I want to repeat once again: the notion of "normal" and "abnormal" in the sexual sphere has lost its meaning. Individuation gives us a clue to the sexiest, and not to the concepts of normality and abnormality.
The phenomenon of sado-masochism always amazes psychologists. As can be combined pleasure and pain? In the understanding of many psychologists and psychoanalysts masochism - is something totally senseless: masochists are not able to experience pleasure from torture in reality and are satisfied only by the imagination or safe performances. However, this is not entirely true and, moreover, refers mostly to sexual deviance. The real sex life is rarely fully complies with fantasies. But we know that there are plenty of masochists, who not only dream of the humiliation and suffering, but also happy to have them in reality.
Important role in the dreams and fantasies of women are raped, often they are the subject of obsessive fears. Outrageous or attractive in any case of rape fantasy is crucial for understanding the psychology of women. Rape - one of the most significant fact of Greek mythology and art. Probably, the motive of rape symbolizes overcoming rough anima animus. In the course of my psychotherapeutic practice I noticed that fantasy about the rape, perceived the patient as a psychological purchase as a living symbol that can not be left unattended, have contributed to the development of women and often sends them on the way iindividuatsii, ie, to recover.
Perhaps, it is obviously an urgent need for relief from stamp "normality", which, in essence, is nothing like the convulsive effort to maintain the privileges of the so-called normal sexuality. Thus, a true understanding becomes impossible. Most human sexual fantasies of mankind in terms of normality, to put it mildly, peculiar. You can not pretend to understand the psychological phenomenon, in announcing a significant part of the abnormal or pathological.