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Sexual life by the lunar cycle

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Sexual life by the lunar cycle

What are you waiting for now? Passionate, memorable night of love or habitual erotic games? The answer to this question will tell the moon. Because this planet is not only affects the tides, but also on your sexuality

All life on earth is affected by the lunar cycle. And our sex life - is no exception. Sun and Moon - light, giving the cosmic rhythm of life on our planet. The sun - a source of energy, light and heat for the entire solar system. Due to gravity, it maintains the integrity of our entire system. Moon - near to the Earth the cosmic body. For us, this planet has the highest value, taking away from the Sun and Earth, passing some additional portion of the energy that our planet without it could not get it. Amount of this additional energy varies depending on lunar phases. The sun symbolizes masculine, active principle of giving. Luna - feminine, passive, accepting, and holding.

New Moon: conservatism is appropriate

The duration of the lunar month (the time interval between two new moons) is about 29.5 days. Beginning of the lunar month is the New Moon (conjunction of the Sun and the Moon). At the time of New Moon (plus or minus one day) male and female principles are in very close contact, so the probability of conception in this period increases significantly. Men and women are drawn intuitively to each other, increasing eroticism relations, but few people are drawn to sexual experimentation. These days in most cases, wins the traditional style for a pair of intimate relationships. But this is a good time to tell each other about their erotic fantasies and dreams, to share fears and doubts, if any. Do not be afraid to talk about sex! If between you and your partner to establish trust and you will learn to share with each other their innermost, you will be able to significantly expand the palette of their sex games.

Growing moon: a time for men

After the Moon within 13-14 days is the so-called rise of the moon, when its visible part is gradually increased until it is fully illuminated full moon. During this period, the leadership and initiative in an intimate relationship, usually owned by men. They are more active and focused on sex than women. It was during the growth of the moon comes the best time to various erotic experiments, initiated by men. For women at this time is more natural position of knowledge: it is best to maintain the initiative partner, play up to him. Use this moment to expand your sexual response: perhaps in this period with the filing of an affiliate, you oprobuete new sexual techniques, methods, and love the game, the position and will make in their intimate lives of some nuance, fresh notes. In short, do not be afraid to experiment, which urges you to partner, because the sex - a creative process.

Full Moon: passions run high

Then comes the full moon - a critical moment, when the energy growth is replaced by an energy decrease. Instincts and subconscious desires of the people in this period is much worse, emotions run high to the limit. Sexual intimacy in the full moon becomes more passionate. During these periods people can get the maximum sexual pleasure. Sex at this time can be active and original, saturated by strong feelings. It should be more imagination, exuberance, brightness, diversity. You can take a chance to have sex where you're never done, and so, as I have never tried. Your love will be festive, reckless, extravagant! The main thing that you and your partner to be comfortable and pleasant.

True, during the Full Moon can happen and another: if one partner for a long time to conceal a sense of dissatisfaction with intimate relationships, then one of the full moon, this dissatisfaction may break out and grow into a huge scandal. However, do not be afraid. Such a quarrel in the presence of good human relations between the partners can go to them only in favor.

Waning moon: the time women
Between the full moon and the next New Moon Moon is decreasing. During this period, the first violin in bed naturally play a woman. The fairer sex are inherently more emotional and sensitive. At this time, they have a chance to shine as much as possible of tender feelings and not keep their erotic fantasies. You can offer your own sex, a romantic scenario - in the bosom of nature, or in combination with an erotic massage. And also to express themselves with an unexpected partner sides: to become energetic and assertive, or, conversely, gentle and caring. It is women in the waning Moon period when the role of logic is reduced, and intuition - is increasing, can lead a love boat to the shores of the true pleasures. Your innovative aspirations are likely to be successful. Men in this period is better to follow the wishes of their partners.

Calendar moon phases

Adjust the sex life of the lunar cycle, and it will become more vivid, intense and will bring you real pleasure!

Lunar Calendar for September 2010

September 1, 1922 Lunar Day 4 21:23 Quarter Moon in the sign of the zodiac Gemini waning moon

September 8, 1929 / 1 lunar day Moon 14:31 moon in the zodiac sign Virgo

September 15 7 / 8 lunar day 1 quarter 9:51 moon in the zodiac sign of Sagittarius Rising Moon

September 23, 1915 3:18 lunar full moon day the moon in the zodiac sign Aries

September 30, 1922 Lunar Day 4 21:23 Quarter Moon in the sign of the zodiac Gemini waning moon

Lunar Calendar October 2010

October 7, 1929 / 1 lunar day Moon 21:46 moon in the zodiac sign Libra

15 October 8 / 9 Lunar Day 1 0:29 Quarter moon in the zodiac sign of Aquarius Rising Moon

October 23, 1916 4:38 lunar full moon day the moon in the zodiac sign Taurus

October 30, 1923 Lunar Day 4 15:47 Quarter moon in the zodiac sign Leo waning moon

Lunar Calendar for November 2010

Nov. 6 1 / 2 day lunar New Moon 7:53 the moon in the zodiac sign of Scorpio

13 Nov. 8 / 9 lunar day 1 19:40 Quarter Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Aquarius Moon Rising

November 21, 1916 Lunar Full Moon Day 20:28 moon in the zodiac sign Gemini

November 28, 1923 Lunar Day 4 23:38 Quarter Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Virgo waning Moon

Lunar Calendar for December 2010

December 5, 1930 / 1 lunar day Moon 20:37 moon in the zodiac sign Sagittarius
13 Dec. 8 / 9 lunar day 1 57:00 Quarter moon in the zodiac sign Pisces Rising Moon

December 21, 1916 Lunar Full Moon Day 11:15 moon in the zodiac sign of Cancer

December 28, 1923 moon day of the 4 quarter of the moon at 7:20 Zodiac sign Libra waning moon

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