Sexuality and Sex
The word "sexy" sounds today so often that it catches up with boredom. About her so much it is said that people have a feeling that the frequency of mention indicates the completeness of knowledge. What is the psychological phenomenon behind the concept of sexuality and sex ? The ancient Greeks regarded sexuality more poetic than modern humans. They worshiped the goddess of love Aphrodite, born from the sea foam and blood oskoplennogo Uranus the sky god, the son of Chaos. Aphrodite was charming and seductive. Paris gave the golden apple was her podpochtya of Hera and Athena. She was the wife of the lame blacksmith Hephaestus, but burned a passion for god of war Ares, one whose name inspires people dread.

Another character in Greek mythology - Priapus, god of fertility, he portrayed an ugly man with enormous genitalia, which, boasting of aimlessly wandering around the world. But the most famous Eros. According to the "Theogony" of Hesiod that God exists from the beginning of all time, he was born out of Chaos, was present at the birth of Aphrodite and was originally mentioned in connection with homosexuality. Later, particularly in Ovid, he is portrayed as a careless boy, flying all over the world, holding a bow, and behind a quiver with arrows with gold or lead tips. Those who are caught up with the gold boom, crazy in love. Contact with lead boom is fraught with indifference to love.
Perhaps, in psychological terms it would be better to talk about the various gods and goddesses, in other words, certain powerful forces and entities, and not about sexuality, which is nothing more than a primitive, narrow-minded notion - multicolored patina on the phenomenon. Not only the Greeks, but also other peoples sexuality portrayed in the mythological characters. For example, in the mythology of North American Indian tribe vinnepag sexuality gains its independence from its mouthpiece, Vatyunkaga, cheat, trickster, character, devoid of morality, which mocks all and he is the subject of jokes.
Its enormous size penis, he carries with him in the chest, as if it were not part of his body, and an ordinary thing. His penis itself floats in the water, attacking bathers girls. From the perspective of psychology, the image of independent, autonomous sexuality is correct. However, such an attitude toward sexuality among the Indians connected with the cultural traditions of the tribe vinnepag. Indians believe that the human soul is made up of different parts. This can be compared with a European expression "heart is torn apart" because a certain person.
Ethnographers report an archaic peoples who do not perceive any connection between reproduction and sexuality, believing it to operate in isolation. Today, almost every child knows that in order to to light a man should happen intercourse, in other words, it should come sexuality. However, perhaps, from the standpoint of psychology, the archaic peoples are not so wrong? How, indeed, connected to sexuality and reproduction?
Attempts to justify the reproduction of sexuality continued until the period of secularization. Many doctors and psychiatrists viewed the XIX century sexuality is a psychological standpoint, but also focused on reproduction. Therefore, masturbation, sexual fantasies, etc., were seen as pathological, debilitating nervous system. Up until recently it was decided to tell the children stories that masturbation can lead to paralysis and severe disease.
The doctrine that sexuality and sex is justified only reproduction, has ominous traits. Because, in agreement with this view can be evaluated positively only a rough, animal mating, as if we are told, whose feast is not a sin only if the plain food as quickly as possible, without any restriction on the conventions of etiquette, swallowed with one just to fill their stomach and quickly satisfy hunger.
Therefore legitimate to wonder whether that is the basis of sexual reproduction. Only a small portion of time and energy spent by people on the sex life is relevant to conceive. Sexual life begins at infancy and ends only in the grave. Sex life - it's like sexual fantasies and sexual self-gratification game, and actually having sex. Only a very small part of sexual life is realized, a much larger portion consists of fantasies and dreams, whose connection with the reproduction is negligible.
We really sometimes do not realize how small the ratio is sexuality to reproduction. However, this is the case, and I must say situation is so far since then, as we got better than before, contraceptives. Most of the sexual act was always from a biological point of view, pointless game. Perhaps, sexuality has always been associated with reproduction, but if you admit that last - the only foundation of sexuality, this phenomenon will become completely incomprehensible.
Drawing parallels between sexuality and reproduction, we narrow the horizons of this phenomenon. However, consciously or unconsciously, is still widely believed that normal sexuality is associated with procreation. Even many modern psychologists consider abnormal any sexual activity that in any way (even though somehow) is not associated with fertilization. Many ills brought in this sense and biased approach the Catholic Church.