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She wants me to sleep

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She wants me to sleep

If you invite a man back home to showcase their culinary talents, rest assured - the taste of foods he will not feel. It will be feverishly to decide after the borscht start pushing you toward the bedroom, or wait for the tea and cakes? The fact that you invited him only to feed (this also happens, I've heard), he could not even imagine will come. What is the soup, when near such a figure! What are we, children, or what? Invitation to visit or consent to come to his man always sees clearly: " She wants me to sleep . " (However, I think that it is already known to all.) Those women who believe that and really you can just listen to music, apparently, until recently lived on another planet.

Moreover, as a manifestation of explicit interest to us sinners, we consider any consent at all.

• «Can I call you tomorrow?" - "Can" .- Yeah, she would like to meet with me, and so to sleep.

• «Let's go down tomorrow in the cafe?" - "Let '.- Yeah, after the cafe may be screwed.

• «Do you like theater?" - "I love" .- Well, that's understandable, theater, for it is a convenient pretext, in fact, she wants me to sleep !

I'm oversimplifying, of course, but the gist is as follows. A woman who goes with us into the restaurant only to go to a restaurant, we are confident we call in the end a bitch. And we say that it spun a dynamo. In our opinion, this is not fair. And do not feel sorry for the money, believe me. Simply any event at the initial stage of dating, we see as a prelude to a night of love. Nothing else. Tell you a secret that we have much more fun to go to a bar with friends than in a restaurant with a woman who is not going with us to sleep. Immeasurably more interesting, fun, fun. The more so in the bar there is a chance to meet one that will treat our needs with understanding.
Some women in this naively argue that the de out I've got a fan, to whom I supposedly promised nothing, but every time he pleased to lead me somewhere. Do not know what it is - a feminine coquetry or female stupidity. Therefore leads that never ceases to hope for. There are such men without understanding. He can go to theaters six months, thinking it was about him something bummer. The prize for the will to win at least. But all this does not mean that he gets the exclusive pleasure of a pure platonic relationship. Either he is dead in love, or impassable stupid, or unforgivably naive. All this makes it very patiently. But even then, and the second and the third - a sort of aberration, a rare case among men.

If you want to verify the correctness of my words - just tell such a fan: "I have never and will never going to sleep with you. As a sexual partner, you have absolutely not attracted to. " I'll bet on anything - a movie with him you do not go. Or go to once, so to speak, finally. So, conclusion: first sexual intercourse for men - this is not some kind of boundary, not an indicator, not a milestone, not a significant event, not the beginning of a new stage of relations. For him it is - the ultimate goal of dating. After achieving it, in principle, it is not forbidden to think is worth doing anything further or not. But the urgent need for this. Especially if:

• he has a wife and a pair of lovers;

• You have a very different social status;

• all happened under the influence of alcohol vapor;

• he did not recognize you in the morning without makeup;

• midnight, you spoke about their plight;

• the second half of the night you made plans for the future;

• Oral sex is not shining.

And has no value, given to women immediately or after it had a long and tedious to maintain. Even if a girl says: first wedding, and then everything else, man will be interested first of all, "everything else". Life after the wedding - this is so, the application ... Of course, we do not insist that all happened immediately after the phrase: "Girl, we can meet you?" It would be nice, but we understand that this is rare. So do not murmur. In our view, quite rightly, that you first want something from us to receive. A bouquet of daisies or a new Mercedes, a trip to pyshechnuyu or two weeks in the Canary Islands. And we in the best of my ability try to satisfy your desires. Without any pout. There are, of course, pathological Cormorant, whose snow in winter is not to beg. But these do not occur very often. Yes, and Cormorant still shell out when they feel their prey.

In fact, we believe that thus earning the right to climb into your bed. Or drag you into his. Almost commodity-money relations ... Again, the crucial role played by our simplicity. The objective is clear, the ways of achieving it are identified, the rules are clear - go for it. I like you - I told you ... that is the opposite. Quite simply, clearly, both in the statute. And for most men, this is not an element of some kind of fun sexual games. The process of courtship - is not devoid of amenities, sometimes interesting, but in general, absolutely no need to waste time and money. Any man will tell you that the restaurant is quite possible to go after. Why waste time? During courtship, we strive to reduce to a minimum.

Here, all want to blame the mother-nature. Our main task, which lies in the genes - to fertilize as many females in the shortest possible time. Therefore, if any (even particularly attractive), a female pulls the rubber, we are excited bleating run away to another more accommodating. A culture ... What culture? Against nature, it is still not trample. All cultural povymirali ago. In short, after dating a man anything, except the bed, does not see ahead. Must first open the door, and only then will be able to see what will happen in the next gallery. You do not think such an attitude does not mean that after the sex we all lose interest in a joint campaign for the exhibition of folk art. Not at all, just now we can finally think about this very creative.
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