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Should I lie when dating

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Should I lie when dating?

Meeting the new man, so eager to make an impression on him, to appear beautiful, successful, was held. Just perfect. Very tempted to embellish a little reality ... That's just whether to do it? One hero of the Hollywood film said: "The best relationship that I know, end with a lie or being built on a lie, and if so, why not start a relationship with a lie?" In fact, a beautiful fiction, of course, help us to create a spectacular image and work a legend for us. But really beautiful legend about us is more important than ourselves? Should I lie when dating? lie can be different. Innocent, beautiful, silly, outrageous, ridiculous. We examine different options.

1. You lie about your age / weight / quantity of ex-men, etc. Why do women lie about such things? As a rule, so as not to disappoint and not to frighten off new boyfriend. Only now does it make sense? After all, you've already learned. He was already standing and chatting with you. He has already expressed its sympathy to you and you liked him just that. Do you think that knowing your real age, he should turn round and go away?

2. You lie about your career / car / apartment / material and social status. This kind of lies used to gain "bonus points in their favor." By the way, their material and social status usually embellishes the men and women sometimes even contrary, "cry the blues", so as not to frighten off the boyfriend of his success. The problem with this lied in the fact that it is quickly detected, and then disappointment is inevitable. And what, one asks, meaning?
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3. New suitor says: "I love to play billiards, and you fervently exclaimed:" Oh, me too! ", But actually have no idea how to hold the cue in his hands. It is clear that we all want to find when meeting each other as much as possible the common features and hobbies. But why lie? Much more effective than the words of a man: "I love racing sports cars and streetracing" honestly say: "Really? Wow! And I do not understand this. Maybe you tell? "Was flattered vanity and men will give you a great topic for conversation!
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