Should I tell his fans loved one?
In fact, to otshit fan, you must be a valid reason. As a general rule, most of the girls she's one: the presence of her lover. Needless to say obsessive man that you have a favorite, and whether to connect it to clarify the relationship? Yeah, the dilemma is not easy, with toit whether to talk about their beloved fans ... On the one hand, disturb favorite story about some persistent fans like something inhuman and is fraught with unintended consequences. Or maybe jealous? And suddenly decides that she gave you a reason? And suddenly all is furious and goes to sort things out?
On the other hand, keep quiet - too rashly. What if a fan is not time to call the home number, or send a provocative text messages, or even how it will give itself. If your young man may decide that you intentionally hide from him her boyfriend because you had something to hide. Maybe you're silent, because for a long time made him his secret lover? Or is it because he likes you too and you're afraid to give yourself?
Of course, all men are different. And among them is full of Revnivtsev, yet candor is preferable. Can you honestly say that after you uhlestyvaet a young man. You can even consult with her boyfriend, how best to proceed in this situation. Of course, it is desirable to do without his intervention, but if the obsessive courtship continues, despite all your protests, you have every right to ask for favorite talk "man to man."
Although there is a secret by which you can accurately determine whether to advise her man or should we remain silent. To do this, think about, and you would like to hear from her boyfriend recognition that it is glued to the kind of girl? Or would prefer to remain in blissful ignorance? The fact that couples are usually selected on the basis of "mirror". That is, even given the fact that opposites attract, you should still be "birds of a feather." So decide, it would be a great boon for you. And tread with her boyfriend, respectively.
But if he reacted to the news of your sharper than you expect, do not rush to condemn him for it. Give him the right to behave as he sees fit. Such situations are an excellent test for the relationship. If you started to swear or be jealous of each other, so that what you do wrong. This does not mean that your pair must unravel. It means that your relationship require serious cooperation.
Consult with a therapist if you can not figure out for yourself. But know this: if, despite all the obstacles that your relationship does not fall apart, you become truly strong pair, and hence, conflicts, and this difficult situation will only benefit you.