Should a teacher protect the child from aggression?
Fantasy about a child Superman or two children playing in the locker room scenes from blockbuster with imaginary guns cause indignation. Children are given to understand that these games should be avoided: "What you are doing is awful!" Aggression is identified with violence. There is a danger that as a result of such a position tutors children quickly feel their inferiority. When the joy experienced from aggressive play and fantasy, announced pathology, children are not free to indulge in them and feel that they are about to be caught red-handed.
Aggressive actions and dreams seem to them something unworthy. The desire to protect children kindergarten teacher has to complete expulsion of aggression and violence of their world. Aggressive fantasies, words and stories are identified with acts of violence. This is based on the pursuit of a utopian state in which the atmosphere inside the kindergarten will be characterized by the exceptional friendliness and balance. In such an atmosphere there is no room dark side of human nature, such as in the case of a teacher who tried to hide from the children's deaths kindergarten cat, a general favorite, hit by a car. Terrible taboo (left out of consciousness).
Should a teacher protect the child from the aggression? " The fact that such fencing trend is fraught with great psychological problems. Unfortunately, instead of passive imitation of such a position of children, there is a "withdrawal" of aggression in an uncontrolled area. Children notice that violence and aggression is a kindergarten teacher for a certain bogey and turn in on themselves. Their attention not escape the nature of her reaction when a brawl and disgust caused in her toy monster, and as a consequence, they no longer share with her own aggressive fantasies.
The most docile children, not wanting to lose contact with her, apparently concede its demands, but in reality only hide their shadow. Feeling a unilateral commitment to kindergarten teacher utopian idea of a "serene" world, they feel left alone with his charm violence. Dialogue with the child shadow interrupted. Joy at the sight of the tank can not show, and pistol shooting is strictly prohibited. Puritan tendency may lurk, and a desire to find justification for violence outside the kindergarten (mental Exter-diagonalization of the conflict). For any violence in kindergarten looking for a side event, which took place in the outside world, for example, in the family, and this event is declared the cause of the incident.

Aggressive boy and actually subjected to humiliation and abuse at home, stubborn girl really given the house to myself and endlessly watching at home on a VCR horror movies. The search for causes and underlying motivations that underlie acts of child abuse is certainly important, but we should not throw out baby with the bath water, and bring the matter before the elimination of shadows. The desire to identify a family depending fraught with danger of forgetting the causes of child abuse, lying both in children and in ourselves. This externalization is another negative aspect, whose essence is to reduce the chance of understanding what had happened (the act of violence), the proportion of our own guilt.
Causes of childhood aggression
It is interesting to note that a similar reaction to violence is typical of many parents. They are also characterized by externalization of the causes of violence: their own child, of course, it goes to such an incapable and blame the bad influence exerted on him by, whether it's an unhealthy psychological environment in kindergarten, "bad boy" of the child or group of indescribably bad leadership kindergarten. However, the correct position based on the knowledge that the aggressive tendencies inherent in human nature itself. The joy derived from acts of destruction and violence - pristine property rights. Responsibility for the aggressive tendencies of the child is not always based on external reasons - family and environment. Of course, the increased aggressiveness of the child often hides real grief, and call for help, but no less frequently to him mingled with an innate tendency and the rapture of violence and destruction.
When in kindergarten violence occurs, you must not lose sight of the two sides of the problem. Violence, civil servants, on the one hand, a symptom of distress, family turmoil and confusion surrounding the other hand, is a magnet for centuries attracting to himself a human soul. Leading to the ousting of eternal joy derived from the aggressive fantasies and games, Puritan setting makes it difficult for children to find the line between permissible and impermissible region, a clear division of spheres of violence and aggression. Subject shadow, or terrible, in the human heart does not receive development.
Paradoxically, the pronounced desire to protect children from contact with violence can conceive the reverse action and unleash the latent in their instincts. In one kindergarten children to avoid contact with the girl, overweight, and during Excursions pelted her with fir-cones. The teacher decided to instruct children. Almost an hour she explains to them the inadmissibility of such conduct, and demanded a radical change in their attitude towards the girl. Immediately after this conversation she heard the children shouting excitedly in the locker room: "Well, we have her hands and feet, then povydergaem!"
Children feel an inner need to give effect to a compensatory mechanism to balance and read them Notation resurgence of aggressive attitudes against girls. They wanted to give a dark top, or shadows, the ability to take root in the world of their psyche. In response to the ban tutors children or refuse to obey, or are trying at every opportunity "to take in" the shadow of some other way, as was the case with the boy, who was asked, assuming as a response to "One", with a grin showed educator middle finger.