Should not be blackmailed man
Sex - is power, sex - it's power, sex - an ideal weapon for manipulation and blackmail. Right? No! Sex - it is a way to show your love and enjoy. Why use it as an instrument of education?
- Expensive, so you buy me a mink coat this?
- No!
- Well, then today spend the night alone, I'll sleep on the couch!
Ironically, such dialogues can now be seen not only in the collections of jokes, but in real life. Sex and blackmail, became trendy in the nineties, at first glance it seems incredible effective. Sexual manipulation are overt and covert.
The first method is more sensitive, for example, sexually stammered: "Go to a football match? Already? And I think we can ... "- then sheepishly looking down, invitingly open the robe and watch as the boyfriend will rush at you, forgetting about all the plans. The second option - plain text to say: "Either you are immediately going to vacuum, or spend the night without me today that I've got terrible headache."
Despite the apparent attractiveness of such techniques, they are better refrain! Do not blackmail the man! " Modern men are spoiled for female attention, and sex for them is not a random rare joy. First, the modern men to women's threats are increasingly responding chuckle: "Well and good, though a good sleep now normal."
And you eventually will remain unsatisfied and with a dusty apartment. Second, declare a hunger strike sex is like pushing him to treason. The man has rightly said: Well, once she told me this fails, then I can search it on the side! And he was looking for! And worst of all, be sure to find! Thus, as a result of sexual manipulation your boyfriend does not come near to your ideal, if not gone.
Treason for fun
Another grotesque and popular method of training her boyfriend - a betrayal or an imitation of treason. They say that modern statistical thinking was to establish the exact number of pairs broken because of this stupidity, but lost count. It is obvious that the method of "high treason for fun" was invented in Latin America, some sort of Carmelites and entered the territory of Russia, together with the epidemic of Mexican soap operas. The difficulty lies only in the fact that Russian men, in contrast to the southern macho why it does not fall on their knees, shouting: "Oh, how stupid and blind I was!
How could not help noticing that Mary likes to Juan! What I would do now, but she would come back to me! ". Nothing like our boyfriends do not speak, and finding the phone an unknown admirer SMS (sent by a number of your girlfriend that you previously persuaded you to play along), at best, are beginning to sort things out, and at worst collect things. And you yourself as entered in his place?
Why is that girl sure: he did not appreciate, but as soon realizes that he has a rival, immediately begins to treat me like a princess. Strange logic. Women's windy and infidelity never really appreciated the stronger sex. So do not devise a Mexican passion. Imagine what would you be in his place. Surely you would become a more loving, gentle, caring, if discovered opponent (real or imaginary)? So do not count her boyfriend blind and a fool. He perfectly sees that likes you to other men, just do not want to feel that, perhaps, do not you care about.
Subscriber is unreachable
When you're figuring out relationships already told him all the swear words that she knew slapped across the face, went to sleep for a better friend, in short, has exhausted all limits of preventive measures, how else to express their displeasure with his behavior? Easy: turn off the phone! Previously I, like many other girls stayed in the naive belief that your disabled during an argument cell phone to her boyfriend's like Chinese water torture. Suppose you have expressed to him their grievances and put an ultimatum. He has rejected your claim. You left, slamming the door and turn off the mobile. Let nazvanivaet, let it suffers, let him place himself finds no excitement. So? And that's not true!
As once I was "lucky" to be a witness to an argument between my friend Igor and his girlfriend Dina. Three hours they were quarreling on the phone (Igor was in Moscow, but his second half in St. Petersburg). Dean demanded that he immediately dropped everything and drove to her to accompany her sister's wedding. Igor had not the slightest desire to leave an important project for him for attending the wedding of people he had not seen in my life. Dean believed that he did not respect her and not love, once again refuses to spend the evening with her, that work is more important to him, but it is not appropriate.
Igor believed that Dean is naughty and refuses to enter into his position. By the end of the debate she threw up, and Igor thoughtfully lit. It took forty minutes. Igor calmed down: "Okay, I'll go to Peter, once so important to her! Since I did not lose anything. " And with this peace, he thought once again scored Dinkin number, but heard only: "The subscriber does not answer or is temporarily unavailable", with a clear conscience into my work. Morality is simple: do not abandon the talks. They could be in your favor! Why miss a chance to get by in a vengeful desire to "teach the scoundrel"?