Shyness adorns human
Like everything in life, shyness has two facets. In shyness, of course, there are also pluses. Often parents of shy children worry about whether their children will find their place in adult life. But some people opt for just such a pattern of behavior, finding in it a peculiar charm.
1. Shyness allows children to keep their inner peace, to spare him from the blatant interference from outside. This contributes to maintaining the child's individuality and identity.
2. Shy kids are very discriminating in regard to the relationship. Some detachment allows watching people from the outside and draw the appropriate conclusions. Shyness helps children learn good understanding of the people. Thus, these children avoid contact with aggressive, rude, cruel people.
3. Shy child no one can be accused of obsessions, aggression, mannerisms.
4. Shy child may become a good friend, if you manage to find him approach. He perfectly captures the nuances of the mood of other people, always attentive, can listen, understand and sympathize.
5. These children are very responsible and sensitive, they can always rely on.
6. Shy people do not offend other people, not cause them harm and boli.Aktivnye children are often unconsciously cruel. If a shy person is able to cope with their negative emotions and guide them in the right direction, it is a model of kindness and empathy.
7. Shy people are able to resolve conflicts, and often in the peer group plays the role of peacekeepers if they have good relations with this group.
8. For some people prone to introspection and reflection, forcing them to fight their disadvantages and contributes to raising awareness, allows you to rise and become better.
9. Introverted people often have high creativity. They have a very developed sense of beauty.
Many talented people notable for their shyness - Nikolai Gogol, Anton Chekhov, Mikhail Lermontov, Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky and many others. Uncertainty within himself, searching for himself in the universe is pushing these people to express their feelings and emotions in the form of literature, painting, music. Shy people can become good teachers - they tend to attention to people and listening, through an explanation of his vision of the world, comes a deeper understanding of the meaning of existence to which so often tend to shy people.
Often in response to a request described shy person, you can hear such epithets as "restrained", "able to possess a", "prudent", "cheesy." Thus, it becomes clear that contrary to the shy people about yourself, others in most cases, treat them kindly and sympathetically, and believe that shyness is decorated with a man . Sometimes the behavior of a shy person, if able to teach them correctly, can produce an impression of refinement and sophistication. Shy people because of their caution acquire skills of foresight and the ability to count their steps and actions of a few moves ahead.
The heightened interest in their personality usually makes shy people pay more attention to their appearance that makes them look good and increases the probability of networking. In shyness also has another big advantage - it allows a person to be invisible, which allows to feel free from external conditionalities and restrictions, a shy person can afford some unusual behavior.
In our country there is a tendency to consider shyness as a positive character traits. The origins of such judgments come from the distant past, think of Russian fairy tales, the goodies they have always possessed a certain shyness, and negative, in contrast, described the aggressive and impudent. In Soviet times, shyness was also a role model, it was believed nepedagogichnym praising children, schoolchildren and students were held meetings at which they castigated those who have stumbled, enumerating the flaws, and this was considered a normal, healthy criticism and self-critical person is considered high praise.