Sign a diary
How banal it may sound - set up an blog . It has long been proved that the diary has a positive effect on health. Psychologist James Pennebaker studied a group of students, who were asked to record their feelings about the unpleasant and traumatic events. The control group of students led writing about trivial events. The observation was conducted over four days. Those who trusted the diary of his unpleasant experiences, rarely consulted a doctor in the next six months. Pennebaker also found that these students within six weeks after the four monitor was better working immune system.
Even the entry in the diary is helpful to support the state of mind. Likely to support this action is associated with the ability to put the injury out of themselves, which allows dissociate from it, learn a lesson from this experience and look at it more dispassionately. Charity work - one way to stop thinking only about themselves and feel connected with other people. This is opposed to egocentric hostility. People who regularly engage in charity work live longer.
Cure for cancer in the last stage
Among my acquaintances there Tamara - doctor, whole life was devoted to working with cancer patients. She - I'll tell you without irony, just Mother Teresa. With the money her husband, businessman, opened a hospice to someone prolong life and help someone worthy of her leave. Tamara, engaging in traditional medicine, trying to understand the genetic mechanism of failure, after which arise and begin to reproduce cancer cells, has always said: "I do not get sick with cancer, because I - I live right." Her long experience tells her that the cancer sick children with a great sense of guilt for the fact of his birth and people are realizing that living is wrong.
-Cancer - a warning of the body, which if he could speak, would say: "Stop! You do something wrong! "- Tamara says with conviction - I do not get sick with cancer.
Tamara was the only daughter of her mother, who never married. As a child in the village where she was born Tamara teased "fatherlessness" and she wanted to prove to myself unbearably and people that it is good that she has the right to life. And it is their right to childhood, Tamara decided to give to other people, those who will really need it. Tamar decided to become a doctor. Good doctor. And she began. Opened a hospice. She had two children. Mother visited infrequently. There was no time. Dr. Tom was always the right people at the hospice where she spent the night and spend the day ... until ... until her mother fell ill with cancer.
Cancer - it was the only disease, details of which found a village milkmaid from the lips of his daughter's oncologist. Cancer - it was the only disease that could bring together a mother and daughter. The more the mother grew old Tamar, the more she needed her daughter's attention, but there is less time was the daughter of his mother: Hospice has grown, Tamara has gained force as a specialist and was happy from what could help people. Tomin's mother was sick for long. Less than six months. Faded away quietly with a smile on his lips ... After all, next to her is now permanently located her strong, intelligent, everybody needs a daughter ...
Here it is a secondary benefit - to be near her daughter. Here it is the shortest and the right way - to choose the state that will realize his goal - to achieve the attention her daughter. I have no gray hair, because I believe that women in our family do not get older. I do not have cellulite, because I do not know what it is. About him unaware and women by Rubens, though they were in the Teles ... something that we believe becomes our reality. And we get only what we know. If the minutes from the abstract base pressupozitsii NLP that past and future there is only the here and now, so there is only now, then ... Our Future - a new image composed of mosaic puzzles of our past. If you have never had a sense of security, the fortress of your own home, if you're constantly in his heart and mind are homeless, there are no square meters, purchased on your "blood", inherited by inheritance, given to a lover, not create neizvedonnoe you feel "at home" ...
In another interesting study were interviewed about a hundred people who were able to cure cancer. These men were diagnosed with cancer in the closing stages, but after ten to twelve years, they were still alive. If twenty years from now someone from them and left the sinful earth, it is quite other reasons. Cured of cancer - cancer do not die. People in the group subjected to this survey were a variety of courses of treatment. Some survived the surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Others have resorted to unconventional methods such as acupuncture. Others followed the diet and specific dietary patterns. Some stood on the path of psychology, learning NLP or religion. Some do nothing at all.
The only thing that was common in all these hundreds of people - all of them believed that their actions will bring the expected result. In his time Dasha Dontsova also survived cancer. Her drugs were ironic detectives she began to write more in a hospital bed. Outrun the speed of light can only speed of thought. What is belief? Conviction - a generalization of any relationship between the various manifestations of life experience. Set yourself questions and look for answers within themselves. What do you think is the cause of cancer? Do you believe that the cancer causing chemicals that enter the environment? Does cancer what are we doing? What we think? So, what we believe? Can cancer depend on who we are? From our genetic traits? And maybe, cancer does not? From your responses - beliefs depends largely on the way you treat the cancer if it occurs. Of your belief depends largely on whether there is a chance to have your body produce a cancer.