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Signs of emergency marriage

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Signs of emergency marriage

Know the signs of first marriage is necessary. In order to make an informed decision, not surprising then, how this all happened ...

1.Zaglyanite in the closet. Before you like a sporty style. Now your favorite sweater and old faithful jeans you are forbidden to wear under penalty of a painful punishment sexual abstinence. You do not go all creepy and generally it is childishness. In return true jackets on hangers in the hallway reigns Dolgopolov cashmere coat. Instead of comfortable T-shirts - shirts with starched collars, instead of thick-necked sweater stretched - awful jackets that do not turn around and do not breathe. And, of course, ties. Very different, wild colors and styles. Now you look like the wronged lives in London dandy. Not only that your wardrobe has changed beyond recognition, now you also do not know where are your things. To find the right shirt stretched on all morning. Because it seems to be put here - on the floor beside the chair. And so it is not here. All ironed and laid out in a neat pile, dig into that simply hand does not rise.

2.Vash comfortable bachelor flat, on which so beautifully sung Vertinsky, gradually and imperceptibly once you become a cross between a boudoir Marquise de Pompadour and slovenly dressing room. In the bathroom, on the ledge in front of a mirror, which previously lay a piece of soap and razor, now lined up legions of vials, and bubbles of unknown destination with the contents of the most toxic colors. The same is observed in a room at the bedside. Yes, it is impossible to go anywhere at all among these tubes, bottle, jars and beakers ...

3.In the home bred animals. Not alive, and plush. Gray-brown-crimson freaks with stupid smiles on their idiotic physiognomy. Attempts to get rid of at least one of them ending scandals and tantrums. Because now you're sort of on the sidelines. And in the foreground bear named Paw, with whom she falls into bed where rather than with you. Misha understands everything and grins mockingly, despising you with all of its plush heart.
4.Ranshe she paced around the apartment in your shirt, thrown directly at her naked body. It was cute and sexy. Now, in a case settled her dressing gown and slippers in the hall are in the form of bunnies with bulging eyes, as if they are suffering from Graves' disease. In addition to sneakers, you find an apartment and other things, membership of which is beyond doubt. In the bathroom, dried her lace panties and pantyhose. And on a string, these objects look like a toilet for some reason not as much fun as her. In one of her cupboards you find a strategic stock of tampax and pads with wings. Looking at the mountains of hygiene, we can assume that they should last a female battalion of ten years. That very clearly indicates the intentions of your friend.

5.Neozhidanno appeared strange changes in her speech. Namely, it has emerged as the favorite female pronoun "we." Pronoun "I" is almost not used. Just "we." And even if it is clearly contrary to all logic and common sense. For example, she chirps girlfriend on the phone: "No, go to the cinema tomorrow does not work, because we operate." In fact, you are only working, but that's what she had in mind. If you continue to talk on the rules of the Russian language, she is offended. "I want to, I decided I was going to" call it an attack of righteous anger and swollen lips. You say is wrong - to say only "we"! Or is it for you does not mean anything?

If it says about you in the third person, then you do not call by name and not by a nickname. Only the possessive pronoun "my." "My last came again God knows when," "My never will," "My days at a uchudil!". And so on ... But that's not all. Have you already forgotten how you called my mother, because this name in personal conversations, your girlfriend is not used. Now to it will stack all sorts of diminutive suffixes, cut through which a normal person can not. You no longer Alexander and Sasha, and Shura, Sashulchik, Sashulenka, Sasha, Sashik, Shurichek and so on to infinity. Of course, the widely used traditional caressing zoomorphism like "pussy-rabbit-squirrel." No, she does not want to offend you or annoy. Just it seems that this is all very nice. Uchi-way ... Anyway, keep an eye on her speech.

6.Strannye metamorphoses occur not only with your name. Your parents, it also began to call a little differently. Not Sergey and Maria M., and with a touching warmth: "Mom," "Daddy." Thank God, so far only for the eyes. But if "mom" and "daddy" take it at home with a suspicious joy and prepare her favorite vegetable salads, it is possible that soon it will call them and at the meeting. And most importantly, you absolutely do not understand this betrayal of their own parents! The same thing happens with her close relatives. Her mother is a no-no, and call you kindly "synuley" and my dad happy to sit down with you to play chess, and making plans as you cheerfully dig potatoes in the weekend at his country house.

7.Esche a terrible sign of close marriage - to change your diet. Grilled meat, chips, sausages and ketchup do you see now only in my dreams. Waking you vile grin pureed vegetables, steamed vegetables, boiled vegetables. Broken grassy gum. You are slowly but surely turn into a dismal donkey. And all this because there is such a thing as "cholesterol" and "calories". What do these words mean, you did not really catch, but apparently this is something very terrible. Such a terrible thing, when she pronounces them creepy voice, plug falls out of your hands ... any of these symptoms - an alarming bell. It gets to you, holding a fist cherished ring. If you suddenly found all these symptoms ... look at your passport, maybe you're already married?
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