Signs of global cultural crisis
Most often, the notion of "culture" relate music, literature, theater, and such relatively new areas like film, television, Internet, media. But even if we do not delve into the topic, we see a huge cultural flaws. Turn on the TV, watch a movie poster, open the newspaper, go to a bookstore and you'll see that the culture there is something wrong. And not in a certain country. Global cultural crisis gripping the world. In the ancient language of Sanskrit, the word "culture" means "light bearing." Culture permeates all life. The state of the culture depends on what will be the life of society - a harmonious or chaotic, beautiful or ugly, good for man and nature or aggressive, superficial or deep ... Culture supports the continuity of life from generation to generation, it brings everything that defines the identity and people person. Aware of the importance of culture by many, but beyond a simple understanding of the case more often than not attending.
Signs of global cultural crisis - in the value systems of virtually all of everything related to culture, as a rule, is in last place. The culture dominate the financial system, power structures, production. And should be the opposite! There is nothing surprising in this paradox there. If the state values the person is less than the finance, oil and other resources when the human personality is regarded as only one factor of production is directly related to human culture inevitably turns out to be in last place. That shows a profound ideological crisis. People and its culture should be the primary value of society.

Humankind has some cushion in cultural terms, but it is dwindling. In some countries, the critical point has long passed. The crisis in culture affects the life and generates many other crises. On maturity of the state and society, we can be judged by their relation to culture. In virtually all countries, ministries of culture are at the end of the list of major agencies. And should be the opposite! Ministry of Culture - the first and most important organ of government! It determines the life of society, the development of all activities and most of all affects the future.
The causes of cultural crisis
Cultural crisis leads to the disappearance of the identity of peoples, the destruction of men and women, who come to replace the unisex and homosexuality. In the media, individual bits of the stream of violence and consumption of flash stories about human values. But these materials are often shallow and unconvincing ... about the shortcomings of cultural policy is much talk, someone is trying to regain prakulturu in today's life, but the process continues to move in once given the wrong direction. Why? There is nothing accidental. The underlying causes of increasing global cultural crisis is rooted in the culture. Three main causes of crises: the first - the lack of development, the second - the wrong vector of the third - person and society to consume more than they give. They define cultural crisis.
The first reason - the lack of development
Centuries of secrecy and external aggressiveness in Japan have led to what is fenced off from the world of country "discovered" by nuclear bombs. One reason for this tragedy was a cultural stagnation. Cultural traditions of Japan have not changed for thousands of years and came into conflict with the movement of time on the planet. Close to Japan in this regard, China, before becoming a "world factory", has undergone large-scale war and the profound revolutionary transformations. Similar processes occurred in Russia ... Its main cultural institution was church. But her work was based on dogma, that is unchangeable, and that led to the destruction of the church as an institution.
The second reason - the wrong vector development
Cultural development in the wrong direction leads to serious crises. For example, in Russia after the revolution embarked on a simplification of the relationship between man and woman. As a result, very quickly to form a society of brave women and feminine men, which led to problems in sexual relations.
Reason Three - consumerism
And the third common cause of crises - consumerism - is directly related to culture. In the West, was embarked on the development of consumer culture, which quickly won virtually all of the state. European countries are highly cultured. They are many cultural values that tend to join people around the world. In Europe there is a tradition - every year is assigned a new "Cultural Capital of Europe". I specifically visited the cultural capital of Europe in 2008 the city of Stavanger (Norway). Yes, these cultural centers, a lot can be learned. But the cultural crisis did not escape them.
For example, in Stavanger, the son of one of the priests lost a lot of money and imposed a debt the whole family. As a result, his father was forced to abandon their dignity. In a deep examination of the cultural environment of European countries begin to realize that it has a profound contradiction. The emphasis is on cleanliness, order and tradition, to create comfortable living conditions for the protection of nature, children and pensioners ... But it does not address the essence of man, and most importantly - personal development does not comply with the dynamics of evolutionary processes. Lack of development, aggravated by active consumerism, and with zdayut conditions for the occurrence of crises.
The reasons for the cultural crisis in Russia
In Russia, a different picture. First, clearly visible external incivility, which manifests itself in everything. Crossing the border by train or by car, look out the window, and you immediately realize you're in Russia or even in another country ... Second, a wild mix of poverty and wealth. Who rose from rags to riches people boast about wealth, that speaks to the profound incivility. Being a mega means taking more than giving. Poverty - is also a lack of culture, the humiliation of oneself as a person, not understanding its essence.