Signs of increased sexuality of men and women
Folk wisdom tells us a number of different attributes of Eros for women and men. For example, a woman with full lips, especially if the top is curved and converging, is very passionate. If a woman has a hooked nose and begins this crook up there at the eyebrows, then this woman is passionate and explosive in love. Women with big eyes and rosy cheeks are also passionate. For owners of a passionate love also include women with advanced hip and ankle. If, moreover, a woman lifts her head, gazed, and every now and then compresses the lips during a conversation, it is endowed with the properties of an explosive love and has a nice attractive force.
Signs of increased sexuality of men and women are different, for example, the ratio of growth to the length of his legs. The average leg length is half the growth. The shorter legs compared to body height, the greater sexual activity. This fact should be considered solely for men. For women, another index, the ratio of the legs to the body. It is believed that a woman with medium length legs, which are well developed, have a fairly rounded shape of the muscle, would be a good mother of the future offspring. That is why the women of the Slavic type often found women with their feet such form. It is reasonable to suggest that women with another form of legs simply did not procreate and, as a result of natural selection, became extinct. Conversely, women with too long legs and narrow hips are underdeveloped is not too suitable for motherhood because labor will occur is extremely difficult.

These legs are not erotic signal, for talking about the erotic coldness. Unfortunately, in our time the ancient model of erotic character changed, so many women are forced to wear high heels, thus artificially lengthening the leg. There are other versions of characters long legs. It is believed that a woman with long legs to run fast, which means that it can run not only itself but also to save their offspring. Is it logical that version? If a leggy woman running away from males, whether they should have had it at all? Let's talk about signs of increased male sexuality. Increased hair on the body suggests that the organism is saturated with male sex hormones. It must be borne in mind that the male sex hormone testosterone, secreted by the testes, only defines the pubic body hair, body hair is the whole body depends on a hormone produced by the adrenal glands, and speaks about the aggressiveness of men.
On sexuality speaks density of hair in the pubic area. What more pronounced triangle from the navel and down, the more "correct" testosterone in the body and sexual energy above men. Early formation of deep bald patches for men indicates a high content of testosterone in the body. Connective tissue in the head become stiff, broken power roots of the hair that falls out. Bald sexier and more inventive in love technology. There is a proverb: "If a man's bald head in front, then from a great mind, if the back cushions on a stranger wiped, and if the front and rear - hence, walk with the mind." Women sexually active, too attached to the male hormones, and naturally, the stronger the hairiness of the female body, the higher her hormone levels. The effectiveness of passion is evident. At the same time, many women perform erotic attraction of the type of child, carefully remove the hair, and this can be traced to ancient times. Any of my readers remember a book by Ivan Efremov's "Thais", where a detailed description of how the Thais hetaera removes hair from the entire body in order to have smooth skin, which would be indicative of a tender youth.
Much of women's sexuality can tell and chest. It is believed that a small chest and raised talks about good tone and muscular-glandular system and it is more sensitive. Modern fashion is a perverted view. Now in vogue breasts larger. Many women are seeking to increase their breasts by inserting implants, thereby destroying the sensibility in this erogenous zone. If the nature of large breasts and chest - it's folds of fat, the less it is sensitive to the male weasel. Bright, well-developed female nipple says that sexuality in women's all right. Postpartum women who have fully taken shape, and rounded tone, becoming more sensitive to the affection of the spouse. In the Energy Information sexes, there are also slozhnoobyasnimye mechanisms.
First, the energy of yin and yang energy - masculine and feminine - the struggle and the unity of opposites. It is believed that information, energy and sex symbols for men and women have opposite values, and this contrast contributes to their mutual attraction - attraction for each other. It seems incomprehensible, and at the same time understandable why different people, seemingly incompatible - in thinking, a way of life, the culture of conduct - live together. Hard, difficult, sometimes screaming, tantrums and melee, but they live together. The point difference in energy, thus they are attractive to each other on the principle of opposites.
Secondly, some men and women have the so-called sexually attractive field of immense power - the field of vampires. Partners can be cold-blooded, indifferent to each other, but it will live together, because attracted to each other, unknowingly managed their information energy of attraction. Their lives will resemble the lives of two cannibals who drink each other's emotional energy, tearing each other apart with reproaches and scandals, but live together, it is not thinking about how to disperse.
Thirdly, there is the so-called karmic debt of some partners. It is based on the multiple incarnations of the soul. According to this theory is: if someone is someone owes in past lives, in this life, their souls must be attracted to work out karmic debts. Often the fate of couples are injured. But based on the principle of karmic extensions may be attracted partners have a positive meaning. If a previous life partner worked its program interpenetration and mutual understanding, in this life, perhaps they will meet to prepare for the ascent to heaven. Their lives will be remarkably happy, serene, enlightened by love ecstasy.