Signs on the road - a trip will be successful
There is a lot of will and tips related to the road. No wonder people gathered for centuries all sorts of signs, that we lived simpler. Better listen to the Board of experienced people than to reproach myself for stubbornness. Go on the road on Friday - the path will not be. It turns out, so it was considered, because Friday was Women's Day, women in this day, nothing doing. Pull off that day believed they create extra trouble (see how to care for old men on their wives!), To cause them displeasure. Therefore, departure and was unsuccessful. So, if your wife is unhappy with your departure on Friday, better move it on Saturday. All will be calmer. But a woman can leave on Friday.
Stand the day of departure with the left foot - the way will not. Why? Because the left side of the body gives up energy. You stood with his left foot and gave the energy that would come in handy on the road. Not supposed to wash your hair before a long journey. It was believed that washing the hair weakens the bonds with the Higher Powers, whose assistance in the road is always needed. Before all the way: the mourners and those leaving - should sit down. This habit is needed in order to remember all to take, to gather his thoughts: Do not forget what? You can not ask departing the question: "Where?" This simple question can erase your luck at the end of the road. To smooth out problems in a way, you should answer: "For Kuzia-kin mountain."
If someone is caught in the doorway - not good. Yes, because you come in contact with another aura that can harm the road. Meeting can be countered, saying: "Its with a picked up my gave me." So you restore road power. Before exiting you can not think about home, about home. If you devote all his thoughts to those who remain at home, then take a road less attention and energy that can be bad in consequence. If you go back - the path will not be. To reduce failure, you have to look at myself in the mirror and show her tongue. And you can even look under the rug by the door, if you were there that something was forgotten.

If the road crossing the black cat - expect trouble. Yes, because it attracts your energy and your luck. To avoid trouble, you can choose another path, turn aside, for example. If there is no workaround, spit over your left shoulder and crossed himself three times a way, that cat ran away, so it will not hurt your power. Meeting with a monk or a priest was considered a sign of unhappiness. If he fell forward, show the fig in the pocket to neutralize its negative effects. Because the people of this class are deprived of many pleasures in life, when meeting with those who gathered in the road, they may envy, even jinx because of internal jealousy towards those who can not afford much. No matter how blasphemous it sounds ...
Fig in the pocket you loop ends its energy channels and protect yourself. Meet on the road a man with empty buckets (bucket go) - a bad sign, empty worries. Empty bucket robs human energy. (Just look at how many opportunities to take away our power! And how you should be able to protect it and restore!) Is not good if you can find along the way something sharp, stabbing or cutting. This is - a bad omen. Find the chopped pin - to trouble, and fasten - for good. Simply unzipped a pin prick can, hurt, and buttoned always protect people from the evil eye, is good, safeguard against evil. Never pick up sharp objects, do not bend to them, go your way. If you stumble when you return home, can quarrel with the household. If a person stumbles, evil seizes him by the legs. A person becomes irritable, which easily leads to a quarrel.
Successful signs on the road
For good luck in the way it is important to hold out for the corner of the table. From the angle of bio-energy flows, and the additional charge of vivacity to the road will not be superfluous.
If you suddenly started to rain before he left - to a successful path. Because rain is associated with the harvest, increase prosperity, with the good.
For a successful way to take a sprig of tarragon. Wormwood has property rights to protect against the evil eye and spoilage, the smell repels rats, mice, fleas and cockroaches, that it is useful in the road - all kinds of junk can get caught.
To meet a man with a full bucket - good luck. The energy of the full bucket is transmitted to the person who passes by.
To meet a funeral procession - a rare success. Deceased, but not buried yet man is a link between our world and another. At the time of the meeting can make a wish (any), and it will be enforced. But in any case can not cross the path of the funeral procession - it can attract to themselves death and illness of the deceased.
See on the road shoe or a glove - for a meeting with a close friend or another. Shoe mitt - the symbols of a loved one.
If you liked the place and you want to go back, we must throw a coin into a pond, river or the sea. Your energy is partially absorbed by a coin, will call in the opposite way.