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Simple rules to improve their selfesteem

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Simple rules to improve their self-esteem
Do you think there is something common between zakomleksovannym ever doubting the man and the fact that with or without cause inserts its "three-penny" in places where it does not ask and for which the eye is called an upstart? You will say nothing to no - one is not sure of himself, another overly confident.

This is misleading, in fact, and since both have low self-esteem, only one sits out, silently in the corner and the other fearing that it will not notice, do not will appreciate - too bother to show its relevance, and finally presents himself not in the best light.

Why is it suddenly becomes low self-esteem? Who we are pushing for such an assessment? Sadly, but "grow legs" of our childhood, or rather it all starts with parenting. "Cloudy", "slut", "all children as children, but you ..." etc. etc. All parents sometimes break down and that's OK - we are real people, so if such statements are rare, they are unlikely to inflict irreparable harm to the child's psyche.

But if these words are firmly entrenched in the vocabulary of parents and each child is accompanied by the failure or negligence on the part of parents to such comments, then is it any wonder then that these parents have a daughter or son of a notorious grow up? It also happens that the complexes come with time, and the victims of these complexes are not children, and fully formed adult identity. Stout after giving birth, her husband has changed with his girlfriend, cut at work, etc. etc.

Failures and troubles knock us off track, and we begin to doubt yourself. Many assessments of their viability depends on temperament, for example, a stable self-esteem, as a rule, sanguine and phlegmatic, choleric and here, then it overstated, then the opposite is lowered through the floor. Melancholic very often for themselves the most severe critic, and therefore their self-esteem is almost always underestimated. So how do you improve self-esteem? Actually need to follow some very simple rules:

Rule 1

Rather, it is not even a rule, but an appeal to parents. Do not repeat the mistakes of those parents who themselves have done their children's failures. From mistakes and failures are not perfect, so do not nuzzle the child constantly while pointing to its failure. You can criticize the act itself, not the culprit. The child must understand that he is loved - regardless of whether he obtained something or not.

Rule 2

Do not think constantly about what you definitely need to increase self-esteem, quite simply do not need to dwell on it. Unfortunately, so is that too strong a desire to become an obstacle to his own realization. Just believe in themselves and in their strength and that you will achieve everything that you so desire.

Rule 3

Do not shelve its plans and projects - start small, then to achieve more. The more you gather the courage to implement this or that project, the greater will be the obstacles and reasons to do for him not to take. Each of your victory, even a minor will enhance your self-esteem.

Rule 4

Try not to stop there, learn something, learn something new, meet new interesting people.

Rule 5

Never be afraid to show you something is unclear. Do not be afraid to ask again, or clarify something the interlocutor. Better once to confess his incompetence on a particular issue, find out everything that every time goofs.

Rule 6

Take care with your appearance, update your wardrobe, start to visit the pool or gym. Sports provide a huge boost of energy and vitality, which means that they will help you with optimism to move to their targets. Make spring cleaning a house, upgrade the furniture in a new Organize your workspace, etc. All these seemingly small things are actually a lot of meaning for our self-esteem.

Rule 7

Try not to show too significant. Man self-sufficient do not need to prove anything. Inner confidence is not in need of some external displays.

Rule 8

Unlearn yourself to criticize, if you ever are unhappy about any increase in self-esteem can be no question.

Rule 9

Keep a log book in which you record your victory, even minor ones. We are built - for a long time remember the bad, and very quickly forget the good. Journal of success you will never forget the positive aspects of your life.

Rule 10

In order to increase their self-esteem do not try to be someone like, always stay yourself, at the same time appreciate and love yourself for who you are. Can not respect a man who himself does not like and do not respect.

Rule 11

Unlearn excuses. For their actions need to answer, instead taldychit excuses and make a miserable experience - argue why you did so.

Rule 12

Get rid of your fears, conversely, turn the various solutions to the problem that you are so afraid. In the formation of self-esteem are important not only victories but also the negative experiences.

Rule 13

Improve their self-esteem - it is not meant to be around and always perfect. So just accept the fact that in some issues you may be worse than others.

Rule 14

Try to help their less fortunate friends and acquaintances. You can take part in a charity campaign to help elderly neighbors, etc. To increase self-esteem is very important to their neighbors.

Rule 15

Get a pet - cat, dog, parrot. For this, there you will always be the best and loved regardless of his position and patronage of fortune.

Most importantly - do not sit idly by! Play it safe, try to change something in yourself, in your life. Do not look back and remember your goal! After all, when you reach it, you will not need to worry about their self-esteem - believe me, it will be quite high!

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