Sincerity - the basis of relations
Would you like to create a strong and good relations - guided by the rules: "sincerity and honesty should only be between you." Only two of sincerity helps to really get close. And it requires from the start to trust each other. Sincerity - the basis of relations . If the chosen one tells you about their experiences, forget for a while about themselves and their affairs. Do not interrupt him, let him speak and support his facial expressions, gaze, words. But do not rush to give advice and do not be too categorical in his assessment. Your partner should feel your support without words. Only if he is not afraid to share with you their problems. What a relief - to get support even the word endorsement - at least a nod. The man begins to feel that he is not alone, that he has a friend who will listen, understand and help.

If you told a secret, some kind of candor, you should keep it in order to justify your credibility of your friend. You do not have any hint, no eyes, no behavior shows that his own secret. Man and woman having intimate relations must be spiritually close to each other, completely trust each other and care about each other. If there are any omissions, we must try to solve the problem immediately, do not be silent and not to hoard offense. Sort things out regarding the sex life you need with extreme caution.
Sincerity between friends, lovers should always be, but all should be a time and place. If, for example, you do not like your chosen friends, tell him about it only when you stay alone. Serious and frank conversation about your family is not only possible but also necessary, but at later stages of dating. Compliments should only be sincere, so that your vote does not have the impression that his praise only for something, for some of his special services to you, because of the benefits, or because he was praising you. Thus, a strong alliance requires a trust relationship, the absolute honesty with each other.
Interest but do not poke your nose into the soul
Each person has its own secrets, their stumbling blocks, which he (as well, and you) do not wish to disclose the unfamiliar person. The interviewee must first feel that you can trust and that you understand, not condemn, and this may take more than one day. Do not rush it, respect other people's feelings. The interviewee will tell you secret when it deems it possible, and it is his right. But the source is sure to be grateful for your sensitivity and patience.
Man on your indelicate question can not give you the answer, and then get a very awkward situation. If this is the first date, you will need to be careful in all the words to not inadvertently offend his interlocutor. If you are not sure of the positive reaction of your interlocutor, it is best to abstain from the venture and do not affect the longer the issue. Upset and offend his interlocutor is easy, you only justifies what you are upset by his ignorance. Always try to put yourself in the interlocutor - that you would not like to hear, and from that perspective. No one should compel you to tell everything about myself all at once, for each communication should be enjoyable and exciting.