Sixth sense
They say that women have very well developed sixth sense . They can foresee all sorts of things, and even a presentiment of danger ... When my sister and I were young and lived in a small town, every morning, traveled to the school of forty minutes. Catch a minibus in the morning was very difficult. And in the cold - is doubly difficult. And then one morning in January we will, as always, catch a minibus. Stopped very funny "gazelka", painted in floral and greens curtains. My sister and I began to get into it, when suddenly out of nowhere appeared middle-aged woman: "I'm late for work" - she said flatly, pushing me and pulling already zalezshuyu sister of the bus.
Clearly, we are upset. "Now it's going to be late for school" - the nurse said. "Yes, okay, hardly missed something interesting - I cheered her - only here in the cold waiting for transport reluctance!" After a while we caught another minibus and drove off. Imagine our surprise when half-way we got in a traffic jam. In small towns there are no traffic jams!
- Damn, so we just late! - Very anxious sister - but what is it? Why do we stand?
It turned out, was an accident ahead. Funny painted with green curtains minibus crashed into a lorry. Halfway blocked traffic police cars and an ambulance. Many girls believe that they have a fine intuition. And for the most part it's true. Have you guess the correct numbers in the lottery tickets? Or, perhaps, to abandon a flight to a vacation in an exotic country, where then burst into a hurricane or a tsunami? Listen to your intuition can and should be. The inner voice - your most trusted friend and adviser. So in any case not worth his stuff. There is only one problem: how to distinguish a bad feeling from the attacks of phobia and paranoia?

"I'm terribly afraid to fly on an airplane - says Tanya - this is a nightmare. I love to travel, but mortally afraid of flying. The day before I can not sleep, I was overwhelmed by fears and forebodings. Almost every camp for me ending hysteria, which I roll my husband before the flight. I'm in tears yelling to him that I had a bad premonition that the plane can capture the terrorists that we are frightened and run the risk at all! Husband first tried to soothe me, logically explain that people fly every day, and that my forebodings had never come true. Now he just pours me a glass full of whiskey, and the aircraft towed delivers. For me it's the only way to survive the flight is normal. "
In this case, Tanya was faced with a widespread problem. All of us are afraid of something: to fly, ride heights, darkness, etc. Not to be confused with obsessive fears of foreboding. If every time before a flight on an airplane you think you'd break (you will be captured by the terrorists), and so on, it's not a premonition! This is paranoia. Take a deep breath and say to himself: "With love and gratitude, I bless and release my fear of flying." Repeat these words as long as you do not feel better. A similar situation with bad dreams.
When I was in university, on the eve of exams I always had nightmares about how I fail, I get "unsatisfactory." And so on exams, I come neither alive nor dead with fear, filled with the belief that the dream turns prophetic. And what happened? None of this dream not come true. Later I read that dreams - is the work of our subconscious. They may reflect what we are secretly worried, what we fear. So my dreams are not predicted to me a failure on the exam, they just showed my fear of failure.