Society and morality
Morality - a list of rules and restrictions. It has been created, as we already explained, in order to keep the population. And so, once a person goes beyond morality, society immediately react to this fact. There are two options for response. First: to pretend that nothing happens, if the male is strong. Society can not expel the strong male, because it is in some degree depends on it. It is necessary to society but complaints from the public would still not be avoided. Second: The society banishes the male. This is a case of "white crow", an unrecognized genius, or scientists (like those burned at the stake several centuries ago). They are ostracized by their communities because they are contrary to his morals, and religion.
Why is this happening? Yes, because if society and morality will take the innovation rashly, it can lead to loss of species. Therefore, society must first prove the benefit of new ideas. On this subject there is a genial work of Richard Bach's "Seagull, Jonathan Livingston, where this mechanism is fully disclosed. This work demonstrates how the modern social legislation in this particular aspect of innovation. In Bach's given symbolic model - for example community gulls. But man, everything happens exactly the same. Model "strong - weak male" projected upon humanity.

In our case, this issue is relevant. Whatever you may be male - physically strong or not - in today's society it is important not so. Naturally, it is always like the people of the same circle. Women have a mechanism to attract the strongest males built by nature itself. Someone from the women he is very well developed, someone not very much. The same goes for males: one from childhood bathed in adoration of women. (Such men have an innate superuspeshnuyu model of seduction is "heterosexual.") Another seduces a year 4-7 women (regular girlfriends or not - this is not so important, this case is the average normal male). Well, the case of a weak male: from 0 to 3 girls per year.
Males with a year over 30 girls on the social level, the status of equal to or above - these are people who have a natural strategy to attract women. This strategy is most natural for the male. Why can not she learn from such an outstanding representative of the species? Learn how you can, only if you are able to copy his "ideal" model of seduction and analyze its behavior. But not the fact that, skillfully copying his style, you'll get a result. I draw your attention: for each individual model for a variety of settings.
If you ask a man with tremendous success with women: "How can I achieve this success?" - He will answer you: "Just relax and behave naturally, and everything will be cool!" But if you do this, you will see that the effect is zero! Why? The fact that he was judged on its own. It has integrated nature of this right effective model of communication. And his natural behavior effectively. Your natural behavior will not change anything because it is natural for you to have those results you possess at the moment.
Roughly speaking, if you will act naturally, that is, as usual, you do not prodvineshsya an inch! So the only conclusion that can be done: and it is important to go beyond. Do that for you quite unnatural. When you risknesh go beyond what is permitted by society, you will learn many new things, of what had not guessed.
Seduction and morality
Why Morality will always obstruct conscious learning seduction? I have several times appeared on television and saw one corner of his eye scenario. It said: "This approach should be put in the black light to make it clear as day - to do that is immoral." "Here it is - morality," - I thought. Of course, the society opposes the fact that people can consciously learn the art of seduction, and thereby become an unprecedented success. What is it? Yes, it's simple: the seduction has nothing to do with the survival of the species. This technology, which carry the benefit to individuals they were born for the development of individuality, and not for development of society. Although, if you think about it, that they which have advanced technology for searching and hunting for the best genes.
In fact, we do all this in order to find and get productive genes. For the sake of prosperity of our posterity, that it grew healthy and strong. A society is not profitable, so it will never agree to adopt these technologies in practice. How interesting it turns out, is almost a paradox. Personally, the individual is beneficial to the individual and society as a whole unprofitable. It's like a weapon that makes any person more than others. It is, it is useful, but it is extremely dangerous. Why are all the same it is useful to do?
People - the weakest animal. Weakest in the sense of immunity and resistance in nature. We are all - humans - would have long since become extinct, if not intelligence, which we have developed for unknown reasons, more intense than in other species. It is an indisputable advantage. And this is important to use human intelligence. The question of seduction is no exception. That intelligence can make any man is stronger than the others. A man may all! In particular, it is realistic can change yourself. A person can improve the shape of your own body, such as engaging in fitness. Or can invent a vaccine against influenza. Man on the forces deliberately teach yourself correct behavior with females, so that they felt it a steep male. Where people can raise their level to communicate with the opposite sex at any level, even absolute beginners!
Previously, it was this: he who has the most food, and deserved prestige of the coolest guy in the society. But the food in our time is everywhere, the machine has many, money is quite possible to make arbitrarily many. Cell phones, again almost everyone, etc. (Do you remember a time when women were frightened by those who had cell phones!) But here's the contradiction: even the owners of all these zamanuh approached me with the problems concerning women. In 50 years, when you already have everything suddenly appears: everything except the desirable women. I'm not talking about prostitutes. Because, of course, you can hire them for their grandmother and fucking plenty.
I'm talking about something else - that any man can learn how to attract, seduce women, which he till then just sighed. The main thing is that they are physically accessible so that you can meet them. And if you begin to move in this direction, then your success will grow by leaps and bounds. Of course, not immediately and naturally, it needs to be some effort. But as soon as you start to work on yourself, you immediately notice that your life is gradually filled with lovely personages, one of the other more interesting! Long ago it was noticed that one can learn anything. The most important thing - it is a constant practice. In mathematics it is important to fill the hand in solving the simplest problems in boxing you will not manage without the constant developments punches and sparring bouts. The same method is used in seduction.