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Sociological Analysis

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Sociological Analysis

The telephone survey is a specific synthesis of questionnaires and interviews used, usually within one town or another settlement. The popularity of this method in modern Russian conditions increases, especially during election campaigns. The main advantages of the method are as follows:

√ efficiency,

√ short

√ economy.

The main drawback is that it is due to inability to rule the representative sample. This is due to the lack of phones in certain social groups, a large number of subscribers in a poll bounce for different reasons and occasions, many other factors. Need to make a number of preparatory actions before you start a poll:

√ preliminary study of city maps, places of residence contact the representatives of different social groups, the location of exchanges;

√ Development of special tools, including cartogram survey questionnaire forms and coding sheets, diary and interview protocol, detailed instructions to the interviewers;

√ availability of telephone directories;

√ compliance with a predetermined pitch (interval) when dialing a phone number to PBX;

√ singular training including special training telephone interviewers;

√ increased demands on their honesty;
√ mandatory monitoring of their activities;

√ rechecking of the data obtained by sample quizzes polled subscribers.

Fax (teletype, telegraph) poll

Rarely used in actual scientific purposes the form of the questioning, at which the units of selection of respondents advocate agencies and organizations with fax, telex, telegraph or other electronic communication with the sociological center. Occurs in two varieties, differing in the actual composition of the respondents. The first - the respondents are the heads of the aforesaid companies and institutions, in the second - a circle of respondents expanded by survey managers (or sociology) of persons who are defined by the organizers survey. The main advantage of the method - Cache and expert significance of the information obtained, and the disadvantages are that there is an extremely short questionnaire (no more than five items), closed questions and limited answer options (no more than seven).

Pressing poll

Next sociological analysis of pressing interrogation. This type of survey carried out through the press. Main advantages:

√ efficiency,

√ mass, efficiency,

√ candor of the respondents, due to the voluntary / their participation in the survey.

Its main drawbacks:

√ low representativeness low indicators return filled questionnaires, compounded big their culling,

√ paucity issues predominance closed questions

√ limited use Dial, table, dialog, control and filtrovochnyh issues likely impact on the respondent of others.

Mandatory requirements for the method are as follows:

1.predvaritelnaya testing (piloting) of all the qualitatively different groups of readers of the press;

2.predelnaya simple wording of the questions and instructions for filling;

3.Using different fonts when publishing (for allocation ideatic structure questionnaires);

4.povtornaya reprinting questionnaires same newspaper through week fifteen after first publication;

5.oglashenie poll results pages this same editions.

Face-to-face polls

Depending on the method of contact with the respondent may also be mentioned:

Face-to-face interviews (personal interviews):

1.Opros residence (apartment poll). This method of survey is suitable for most of the tasks associated with the study of consumers. The territory of the settlement, which conducted the poll, is divided into sections of approximately equal area. On each of plots selectable starting point. The interviewer moves on the route according to a set of predetermined rules of movement.

Advantages of apartment poll:

√ possibility of prolonged (40 minutes) interview

√ opportunity to demonstrate the respondent stimulus materials (cards, product samples, etc.)

√ ease of control of interviewers.

Disadvantages apartment poll:

√ the high qualifications of interviewers

√ relatively high cost of conducting interviews,

√ problems associated with distrust / suspicion of respondents.

2. Street survey. May apply for a wide range of marketing tasks. Interviews are conducted on the street or at the exit from the trade points, in shops, or in places where the consumers.

Advantages of a street poll:

√ high speed of the survey,

√ relatively low cost poll.

In addition, when interviewing a local sales and / or survey of consumers in places where there is an opportunity to interview some of the specific group of respondents.

Disadvantages street survey:

√ restrictions interview length (until 10 minutes)

√ relative complexity of the organization monitor the work of interviewers

√ a strong influence of weather conditions (snow / rain / cold / wind)

√ difficulty of obtaining permission to conduct a survey of retail outlets (for shop polls / surveys in places where consumers), this process may take a long time and the cost is expensive.

3.Opros a central location (in-hall, hall-test). This method of interviewing is most often used for testing of promotional materials, product packaging, the taste of the product. Interviews conducted in a rented room with free access (library, cinema, restaurant, etc.) may be recruited as respondents in the street, just before the interview and in advance.

Dignity hall test:

√ opportunity for long enough (under 35 minutes) interview

√ possibility of using the stimulus materials (cards, posters, product packaging, the product itself)

√ ease of control of interviewers.

Disadvantages hall test:

√ «quality" of the respondents strongly depends on the location of the point at which conducted the survey,

√ randomness of the sample (the sample includes, as a rule, residents of one area or respondents in one district)

√ difficulty recruiting certain groups of respondents (motorists who are actively working, etc.).

TV Quick - poll

TV Quick survey - a method of data collection rather than sociological, political science as the information is used by leading political television programs. Technique of this method involves:

1.formulirovanie broadcaster single most pressing issue;

2.motivirovka viewers on a statement of its response to the question posed in the form of either "yes" or "no";

3.prosbu viewers to immediately call the telephone number shown and to state its position before the end of the telecast (ie, within 20-30 minutes);

4.operativny poll counting code to display this count on the electronic scoreboard;

This is attractive to many reception is able to give only a superficial idea about public opinion in general on the issues raised, in particular. He can not reveal the mindset of the people, because saw this TV show, not all but a chance to call in a TV studio had only a few. Nevertheless, this method can be used in sociological research, of course, no pretensions to the role of the principal and the objective.

Referenda, plebiscites and other popular vote - political events that are related to survey the population, and therefore should be used for sociological analysis of public opinion and the degree of social tension. Unfortunately, the design issues covered in the popular vote, academic standards are violated in favor of political interests and ambitions of their representatives. This dramatically reduces the sociological value of their results, but does not preclude the advisability of taking them into account in research, for example, when designing the hypotheses. Expert interviews - a specific kind of polls that do not have a mass character, but playing an important role in empirical sociology, and increasingly used by it.
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