Life becomes correct when we start to be careful. Be carefree - great, but carefree life is possible only if you care about someone else. Carefree childhood daritsya children caring and loving parents. Carefree holiday today will be only one who cared for him yesterday. Carefree can be successful, but successful, really successful only caring people. Worry-free life is possible only if you care about someone else.
If we want to be successful, we must learn to be caring, and well, it's not very difficult. In the beginning - just take care of themselves. After that - to take care of your future, because it also will be your true, right? After that - taking care of loved ones, and anyone who knows how to take care of, does it with gusto. When you become a big, strong and rich, in the course of life is relevant and enjoyable to take care of others. And when you start to think about the meaning of life, it is naturally necessary to take care of those who come into this life after you.
But diligence - this is not a fussy concern, it is not disturbing eyes, frowning forehead and intense tone. Fussy concern just happens to those who too often lets his carelessness, and then running around trying to extricate himself from the problems that they themselves created. Fussy concern - often defiant behavior, this flag is "I'm in trouble and need your help!", But this flag will never raise one who cares about others. Life is getting harder - good, caring person becomes attentive and assemble. If you can take the help of those who this is, - always ask for help and assistance, exercise, but the fuss and the concern here is completely innocent.

Care must be smart. Foolish concern is not happy, and annoying. Excessive concern to protect children from the hardships of life brings people to life just is not ready. How do I find this measure of care, the style of care? There needs a head, you need a mind: observation, experience, thinking, the ability to draw conclusions. Real, proper care - not just the sincerity of warm-heartedness, this is the result of education and training, this experience and professionalism.
Between doctor cool, but professional and cordial, but poorly trained, I choose rather to the quality professional. Because a dedicated amateur can be when it was helpless, and when it simply and directly hurt by the lack of necessary knowledge and skills, while a true professional does not boil the pot, and always knows his business. Caring - a line of heart. Right mind must be enriched cardiac solicitude, but of the heart and the line should be supplemented with a line of mind. Whom it came from childhood, who then this should be and learn.