Solomon's Seal drug from the evil eye, damage
The people kupenu called Solomon's seal. It is in those cases where the damage suggest the gastrointestinal tract or human joints.
• Decoction of roots increases life expectancy.
• Infusion of herbs is used as an antipyretic.
• An application of a decoction of roots of plants with bloody diarrhea, hemorrhoids, impotence, edema abdominal, gynecological diseases, and as a tonic.
• In folk medicine used as a softening, sedative and enveloping means.
• Decoction of rhizome is used in bronchitis, pneumonia, cough and pulmonary tuberculosis, as well as a diaphoretic for colds, malaria and fever.
• Decoction of rhizome is used for indigestion, stomachodynia, gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer, diabetes, as an astringent for diarrhea.
• Decoction of herbs are used inside of arthritis, gallstones, jaundice, belyah and other gynecological diseases.
• infusion of the rhizomes is used as a painkiller for rheumatic pain, sciatica, lumbago, radiculitis and gout.
• When a hernia and hemorrhoids herb broth and rhizomes take inside.
• The ground herb in the form of compresses are used for bruises, abrasions, bruises, tumors, bitten by a poisonous animal.
• When a toothache decoction of rhizomes to rinse your mouth.
• The deformation of the joints rub them with fresh chopped rhizomes kupeny.
• Decoction of rhizome is used in metabolic disorders and as a styptic.
• With impotence 2st. l. rhizomes in the evening to put in a thermos and pour boiling water 2stakanami. In the morning strain, divided into 3priema and drink for 30 minutes before meals.
• In chronic dry eczema and warts in the sore spots rubbed tincture kupeny rhizomes.
• When children diathesis bathe a sick child in a warm decoction of herbs and roots kupeny.
• chopped fresh herb is used topically for scrofula, boils, panaritiums, dermatitis, erysipelas.
• When you shake the limbs to the sore spots rubbed tincture kupeny rhizomes, as well as take on the 1hr. l. tincture 3 times a day.
• When purulent inflammation, acne and sores, use compresses and lotions from broth kupeny rhizomes.
• If back pain take a decoction of rhizomes.
• Decoction of herbs wash to reduce sunburn. Decoction is also used for freckles and spots on his face.