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Some secrets to getting rid of depression

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Some secrets to getting rid of depression

RUSSIAN Ways to overcome fatigue and depression

Russian man "resets" fatigue and depression is very simple: love affairs and alcohol. Moreover, the geographical location, which is home to this man of his social or financial status does not depend on: alas, everywhere he "walks" the same way. Just a simple hard worker chooses ordinary women and cheap vodka, and a wealthy man - long-legged "model" and expensive cognac. But the essence remains the same.

It has long been known that such a "form of recovery is" very harmful. Especially brings great harm to alcoholism. Stages of destruction alcoholic too well known: first, emotional and alcohol dependence ("I can not drink"), then - physical illness (suffering liver and cardiovascular system), but in the end - personality disorders and all kinds of losses - job, family, friends .
We also know that cured from alcohol addiction a few, only those who have themselves found the strength to stop. No pills and other medical procedures will not help if the person has a weak will and can not itself overcome himself.

All this has long been known. But why so many Russian drink? On the streets at any time of the day - a lot of drunken and downtrodden men, rarely women, but female alcoholism disgusting and frightening. It is impossible for an hour to pass without seeing a drunk man. Is there a family in which there is no father, grandfather or mother, a grandmother who did not drink in one way or another?

I think that drinking in Russia is not so much a "national tradition" as - lack of internal 'personal culture. After all, culture - is not only the school and the institute behind or official position and volume of read the classics. Culture as well - is the ability to intelligently build a life of its own methods of self-possession and control themselves, personal psycho "holding" yourself in a mental purity and mental health.

Alcoholism - a spiritual incivility. Alcohol is starting to get when people just do not know how differently you can "reset" the fatigue, stress and depressive feelings? And he has resorted to the easiest - a glass of vodka.

Can you relax and improve your mood without alcohol? It is certainly possible and even necessary!

Why we forget about simple things?

I say, you need time to rest and relax without harm to the health and life. Perhaps now you will say: It takes time for rest, and where can I get it? It is not so, I bet. To rebuild their forces can be like "in between times", at home and at work, strange as it sounds.

Remember, what you do at home and work to improve your mood and calm down? Do you have your "secrets" that help you gain emotional balance and equilibrium?

If you remember at least, and maybe more than five sessions that help you "protect" from damaging stress, irritability and fatigue, it was good. If you have difficulties in identifying one or two such classes, it's a sign that you feel "abandoned" empty "element" devastating stress on the drift and not deal with his irritability.

Do not forget that:

1. In the first place on the effectiveness of recreation is a different physical activity: sports, walks, field trips, work in the country. It is important to a little physically tired, and then pass a psychological fatigue, irritability markedly reduced or disappears altogether.

2. Quite often people say that to calm down quickly and bring their nerves "in order" helps the water and everything connected with it: swimming, bath, shower, sauna.

3. Well, if a person has any interest, helping him to relax and have fun. Positive emotions and the joy of effectively compensate for the voltage, which have had to endure at work and in life.

4. Some well-restored as a family. A sense of family well-being and security relations with close protection and support. Feeling that you - not one or one and that people close to you, understand and accept you, perhaps most important sense for all of us.

5. Particularly beneficial effect communication with children. Try an hour or two to mess with the kid - stress as a hand lift!

6. It is easy to "reset" irritation communication o help with calm and optimistic people, r Eacham, not necessarily familiar. Free and fun conversation can occur anywhere: in a taxi with a driver, with the seller on the market or with passers-by on the street.

7. Townspeople like walking with pets. They discuss in detail the habits of their pets, the rules of their education and nursing. Note that even after brief conversation about their favorite cats and dogs, people calm down and set up on a positive footing.

8. What are the lessons you comfort from those we have here is not mentioned? What else helps you to quickly get rid of irritation and restore inner balance?

FAST "Reset" Stress and depression

Thus, negative mood and decreased vitality is experienced in all people. But are these states differently. Few of us believe what your mood is really possible to manage. When we see a disabled person is driving or the mother of five children successfully make a career, we admire the fortitude of these people. But we do not always ask yourself: "I could do the same?" We think that this - good luck or even a miracle.

In fact, it's not complicated. Your mood and your life energy can be controlled, it is necessary only to develop skills of self-government as we develop skills in writing, reading, or accounts.

It should be remembered:

1. Depression is experienced in all people. This is normal.

2. Depression always goes! After a bad mood is sure to be fun!

3. "Dumping" their bad mood on others can not. If we are getting used to improve your mood through the conflict with another person ("had a row - is easier to become"), self-management skills are not produced. The other for us to act as a kind of "crutch" - we no longer walk independently and grabs all the time for these "crutches." Not to mention the fact that another man, taking our "dark" energy, weakens and starts to hurt ...

4. Should seek "not to get stuck on bad thoughts and feelings, not to be" circular logic "of heavy thought. Now you can hear: "Like all expensive, impossible to live, the government about us did not think about thieves and robbers ... and then we all suffer?" People "wind the" self, others, and cease to notice the good things in their lives. And at home - family, children, and on the street - and a wonderful warm autumn sun in the sky ...

5. You can not "get stuck" - thinking all the time about the same, something bitter and heavy. In this case, the entire life narrows and is concentrated in one point: "She left me ...". And then there is life, there is only one thing: "She left me ..." - Hopelessness and despair.

To prepare themselves for their own self-development of skills mood and thoughts, to "break" a circular logic of "not thinking about the poor, not to think about the same, to expand their vision of the world, expand your consciousness.

1. Often recall the Russian proverb: "sleep on it" or the famous words of the protagonist of the film "Gone With the Wind": "That's what I think about it tomorrow." - And tomorrow will be the things differently and this, perhaps, think will not have to ...

2. And, of course, seek and find - myself and the good and the light that is in each of our lives. Strive to see not half empty wine in the glass, half filled with water, and it is filled with this part.

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