Source Paraskieva
Village Kholova Krestetskaya county Novgorod region.
Source of St. Paraskevi is situated 15 km away from the main road to Moscow, St. Petersburg. Can be reached only by car or on foot. But people do not stop either distance or poor road conditions. Holy water source cures infertility - so come here mostly to married couples. Reliably known cases where women have been able to conceive and give birth to a child even after surgery on the uterus! Nothing is impossible for a miracle of God. Through the prayers of St. Paraskeva people get happy family life.
Prayer of St. Paraskeva
O holy martyr of Christ and preblazhennaya Paraskevi, the adornment of maidenly, martyrs praise, purity, image, mirror generous, wise surprise, the keeper of the Christian faith, an idol flatter oblichitelnitse, the divine champion of the Gospel, the Lord's commandments revnitelnitse, spodoblshayasya Priit to vechnago haven of rest and groom your Certosa Christ, God's light merry, eagerly Wentz virginity and martyrdom decorated! We beseech Thee, Holy Martyr, wake on pechalnitsa us to Christ to God, His own vision preblazhenneyshim ever veselitisya; moth Vsemilostivago, others like the word blind eyes opened, but deliver us from disease our hards, body and soul together; razzheni thy holy prayers of deep gloom, profit from our sins, to implore the Father of Light the light of grace and peace of our bodily tow, enlighten us, marred grehmi, the light of God's grace, but for the sake of your holy prayers will be given bezochesnym sweet sight. O great ugodnitsa God! Of masculinity Devoe! About sturdy martyr St. Paraskevi! Thy holy prayers awaken us sinners assistant, petitions and molisya of cursed and zelo negligent greshnitseh, accelerator to help us, because zelo weak esmy. Beseech the Lord, pure virgin, pray Miloserdago, the holy martyr, pray to thy Bridegroom, spotless Bride of Christ, let your prayers posobstvovashi, darkness is sinful izbyvshe, in the light of faith and conduct istinnyya Divine vnidem in light of eternal day nevechernyago, in the city of gladness prisnago in nemzhe you now light blistaeshi glory and everlasting joy, and singing hymns slavoslovyaschi with all the heavenly hosts Trisvyatitelnoe one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen.