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I conjure thee, pride and malice and wickedness as the inventor of apostasy and nachalniche the devil, the greatest of, most admirable, glorious, terrible and ineffable, honor and bow vsyakoya worthy, gorgeous single name in the Holy Trinity, glorified and worshiped the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, heaven and earth and all which is shed on them and vidimyya nevidimyya, and you do good and light from non sotvorshago of pride for the sake of the same or heave your izvergshagosya and all the workers together thy malice of evil spirits from the heavens, and the bonds of darkness Contact: uboysya this, osuzhdenniche, and soon izyydi from creating it.

I conjure thee, vselukavy hostility of the human race, the ancient serpent, the greatest of and terrible name of our Lord Jesus Christ, he is every knee in heaven, and things in earth, with trepidation we worship: uboysya this damned nizverzhiniche, izyydi have been removed, and the creation of this otide .

I conjure thee, and forbid Tee saving incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ and his glorious ever Virgin Mary on Christmas imzhe key virginity intact, unbroken save: uboysya this truth soprotivniche and otidi from creating it.

I conjure thee, all the evil tempter, the flesh is cut osmodnevno Lord, and the bottom chetyridesyatago Virgin Mother in Jerusalem to be reduced and the embrace of the righteous Simeon set down, and dvanadesyatoletnim age sy vozshedshim in Jerusalem, and in the midst of the teachers sedshim, and his mind the divine, and answers all the most admirable listen surprised: uboysya this, otstupniche nasty, and soon izyydi.

I conjure thee, foul demon, the Lord in the Jordan flesh baptized and the Holy Spirit descended in the form of a pigeon nan, and a voice from heaven former stepfather: Thou art my beloved Son, in thee Mercifully: uboysya this, bezstudny ladder and otidi and to not returned.

I conjure thee, pernicious soul chetyredesyat days and chetyredesyat noschy fast, and your temptation, the devil won, rivers: neiskusishi the LORD thy God: uboysya this, vsyakoya father of lies, and abie to create this resolve.

I conjure thee, devil, God incarnate on earth yavlshimsya, and the person pozhivshim, neschetnyya deeds done, and the way of salvation of the Worlds show and who gave the commandment salvation, and the word demons driven out, and razlichnyya ailments healed: uboysya this, hell vselukavy moisten vstrepeschi and eliminated.

I conjure thee, hell vsepagubny Lion, the lepers are purified, slepyya see the light, glagolati dumb, the deaf hear, hromyya walks rasslablennyya vostati did, and who raised mertvyya: uboysya this age-old murderer devil. And soon, with trepidation otbezhi.

I conjure thee, pregordy guile rachitelyu, humility, the way they showed us in the deposition of the excellence of thy pride, umoveniem feet saint and his disciple and apostalom: uboisya this pride was taken up, and to hell overthrow smirivyysya and abie izyydi and beige.

I conjure thee, and all surovstva doghouse filled with the cruel, the secret of his supper preestestvenno being bread into the body of his Mother, and the existence of wine in their blood pretvorivy virtuous, and faithful in their victuals and drink for the forgiveness of sins podlavy, and these things tvoriti in his recollection commanding : uboysya of all heresies, and the inventor of wickedness vsyakago root, devil, and nothing is tarry, but abie izyydi and eliminated.

I conjure thee, all our sins and perdition istochniche, bloodless terrible life-giving sacrifice of the same body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, eyuzhe you faithful are saved. You and your pernicious force defecates, uboysya sowing, nepokoyatelnaya evil, vile and unclean soul, and beige from the creation of this world.

I conjure thee, envy, deep in preestestvennoyu Vertograd Lord's Prayer, and drops of blood, Thou sweat from his most pure Body on earth kapnuvshimi: uboysya now dobronenavistniche and son of perdition, and soon izyydi.

I conjure thee, every charm istochniche, if you please thee, linked heartbeat and is led to Annas and Caiaphas, zaushen same, spat upon, and fiercely tortured obnosch, being, and are brought to Pilate, and from many mightily tormented, tormented by the same and pillars of Nago and the related broken in the mantle naruganiya vested, the crown of thorns stiles, walking stick on the head of beats, from Herod rooted and complain, and to death by Pilate condemned: uboysya this ancient evil, just a decent meal, and his fierce and terrible disease, we also rescued suffering, imizhe thy feeble force destroyed, and trembled and fled to translate.

I conjure thee, Lucifer from heaven spadshaya, led by the Lord to death, and his cross, suffered, and a lot of humiliation and injury if it otveduschih our salvation, perdition is your sake endures.

I conjure thee, bezstudny obolgatelyu and klevetniche, Nagoya, on the Cross in the midst of dvoyu thief crucified, and Four-bedded gvozdmi nailed, father and bile napoennym and lyutymi and neizglagolannymi by sickness it which is shed on the cross for our salvation, condemnation of same, your case will of undergo, and the saints precious Blood of his merciless outpouring: uboysya now, God's hostility and wickedness istochniche, horrible and abie izyydi.

I conjure thee, bezstydny obolgatelyu and klevetniche, seventh words of the Lord on the cross for our salvation, for your eternal damnation is spoken, and the life-blood of his death, it is we ozhihom, you're umervshlen esi: uboysya this, all grace eternal ochuzhdenne, vosteni and soon ischezni of creating this world.

I conjure thee, vsyakoya protivniche truth, so it is the sun on the cross hanging pomerche beheld, and the land vstrepeta, and the hanging church stimuli, and by his power rock of raspadoshasya and otverzoshasya coffins, and bodies of the saints vosstasha, and his resurrection in the holy vnidosha hail, and many yavishasya: uboysya this harsh tyrant, and wickedness bottomless pit, and soon izyydi and eliminate the creation of it.

I conjure thee, razvratniche vselukavy, most pure edge perforation of the Lord, iznego also bled to death, and the water in our salvation and renewal, in your same final sotrenie, and the forces of thy contrition: uboysya this fire vechnago substance, and will soon be removed.

I conjure thee, bezchiniya every inventor and strife, Bogotelesnym our Lord Jesus Christ's burial, and all-powerful him to hell with the soul and the descent of the Deity, Who tamo power of his Divine vozlobe zlonochalnika strong bond, and the power of Thy anger isprazdni and souls of the righteous customs related to prisoner and him Thou mighty in strength plagued: uboysya this, vechnago nasledniche God's wrath, and soon the creation of his otidi. I conjure thee, kramolniche navetlivy, death by death, and thy power muchitelskuyu destroyed, full of glory is from the dead by the power of his divinity autocratic risen Lord Jesus Christ, uboysya this krepkago George, God soprotivoborche and pernicious vessel, and anxiously jumped up and removed.

I conjure thee, curse and condemnation nasledniche by his resurrection, the Apostle of his glory: yavivshimsya flesh and the world of his subjects and his power to progonenie who gave you, and with them pecheny fish and bees, honeycomb yadshim, and Thomas touch his most pure edge, the same hand and leg ulcers believed, chetyryadesyat days on earth may stand: uboysya this, vechnyya povinniche death, and soon izyydi and bounced far away from the foundation of it. I conjure thee, vile and full of all uncleanness, soul, flesh, ascended into heaven by our Lord Jesus Christ, and the throne of glory at the right hand of God the Father dwelleth between and in the end of the dny Pyatdesyatnitsa of their nelozhnomu promise of the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father, by his own apostles fire among the nations nizposlavshim and those Bogorazumeniem, temizhe the whole world to enlighten, and from idolatry to the liberty of applying, as you and your flattery isprazdnivshim: Uboysya this, vsyakoya inexhaustible abyss of evil, vostrepeschi, uboysya and otbezhi.

I conjure thee, in vain, truculent, and pompous souls, again in the glory of a lot on oblatseh coming to judge the living and the dead: the great God and Saviour Jesus Christ, as you and all your strength spospeshnuyu wicked eternal flame in neskonchaemyya ever predati though: uboysya this, dushehischny beast, the same fire and eternal suffering geenskago vinovniche, izyydi that medlishi, heavenly battle defeated nachalniche, indents, God otstupniche have been removed, God defeated hulniche, beige, Christ faeces and trampled vrazhdonachalniche, God is mighty in strength, and strong in power, terrible in braneh, and marveled at the wonders that you unworthy of mercy, full of all unrighteousness, and deprived of the heavenly svetonosiya prelestniku, hard and threatening me, an unworthy servant of his commands, otidi abie from the creation of this world, in an empty and dry places, and dezhe following people below animal lives, and to the ages of ages is not returned to him: Thou art a power and dominion, the kingdom and the glory of Christ our God, we ascribe to him a Father, and Holy, and Good and Life-giving of his Spirit, now and ever and ever and ever . Amen.
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