Spell Holy Martyr Tryphon
Commits this spell is to read only those animals that are harmful to the site (field, garden ...) at the moment, as others read the names are not supposed to. The reason is that they can be killed at once all the animals and insects, including beneficial (bees, etc.).
I charge you, mnogovidnye animals, worms, caterpillars, beetle, and pruzi, mouse, and schury krititsa, and different generations, flies, and Mushits and moly, and Mrav, Owada same and wasps, and mnogonozhnits, and multiple generations of serpents of the earth animals and flying birds harm and futility nivam, grapes, garden and vineyard same nanosyaschiya, God the Father without beginning, and with his Son Eternal, and consubstantial, and His Most Holy Spirit, the Father and the Son consubstantial with the Most Holy and Life-giving.
I charge you incarnation of His only Son, our Lord Jesus Christ and His pozhitiem on earth with humans, the same passion, His saving and life-giving his death, and his three-day resurrection, and ascension into heaven, and all of His divine salvific looking.
I charge you and the holy mnogoochitymi Cherubim, Seraphim Shestokrylatymi, flying the neighborhood to the throne, and sing Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts.
I charge you by the holy angels, and all the powers of heaven, and thousands of thousands, those with many fears are coming glory of the Lord, but not hurt the grapes are no fields, no vineyard, no Drewes, no potions servant of God (the name of the owner of land, garden ...) but otidite Diva on the mountain, on the barren Drewes, nanyazhe God has given you a daily diet.
I charge you honest body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, True God and Savior, imzhe dadesya salvation and redemption to us, Whose on behalf of the martyr saints umrosha, but not offend nor fields, nor grapes, nor any tree of the fruit and bezplodnoe and below sheet potions so would not hurt the environment from the limit, and places the servant of God (the name of the owner of land, garden ...) but otidite soon from this place, disappear and perish, diminish, and an hour from an hour untraceable awake, ischezayusche and perishing from the seats and the limit of slaves Bozhih, orthodox calling the name of true one God in Trinity slavimago Holy Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, blessed beings, now and ever and ever and ever bezkonechnyya. Amen.