Spell-Prayer - Spell of Saint Gregory the Miracle Worker
Tee prohibits the Lord, the devil, having come into the world, and vselivyysya among men, for Thou hast let thy martyrdom, and the man from toy ishiti: on a tree soprotivnyya force pobedivy, pomerkshu sun, the earth's hesitation, and the grave are opened, and bodies of the saints rise up: razrushivy death Death uprazdnivy Power affluent death. Siesta: You devil.
I conjure thee by God, who showed a tree belly, and with the rank of senior cherubim and flaming weapons circulating streschi is prohibited wake. About him more Tee forbid which went to Sukhumi Thou splashing in the sea, and banned from the storm and wind: Whose view izsushaet the abyss, and mountains melt preshenie: That more and now he commands us Tee.

Uboysya, depart, and to eliminate the creation of this world, and yes nevozvratishisya below utaishisya it below sryascheshi it, or Acting: neither night nor day, or hour, or at the noon hour: but otidi in your tartar, even before prepared for the great day of Judgement. Uboysya God sitting upon Heruvimeh and look after the abyss: his own awe Angels, Archangels, Thrones, Dominions, Principalities, Authorities, Powers, Mnogoochitye Cherubim and Seraphim Shestokrylatye: it is in heaven and earth tremble, the sea and all which is shed therein, and to eliminate izyydi from God's creation of this world, and a faithful servant of Christ our God: Onem bo and forbid, Who walks on the wings of the wind and the Angels tvoriti own perfume. Izyydi and eliminate the creation of this world with all the force and his angels: for Thou glorified the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever and ever, amen.