Spell, an invigorating
If you feel weak - as if someone all the juice out of you drunk, then there obviously was not without foreign influence. A case in point is not even about the corrupt or evil eye, just someone to really miss their capacity, and this man decided to pick it up at your expense. Or maybe he did not decide anything, the very way it is. Weak people do not help sucking force of others, and sometimes we willingly share with loved ones that have to support them. But their strength must be restored. To do this, read:
Cross baptized Cross Gird. Go out, bowing and go, to bless, from the courtyard into an open field to the road on okiyan-sea. At okiyan-sea stands an island Kadoylov, it elm scarlet, from under that elm, from under a bush Rakitovo flowing stream power. Who gets drunk with the river, to Silushka return. I drink with the river, taking the force. Power-core Molodetskie, udaletskie, as in the Sile river water does not dry up, so I made my strength not spokinut. Amen.
Spell it must be repeated for as long as you feel the power restored.