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Spiritual crisis

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Spiritual crisis

The crisis relates not buildings, not tools and technology, man! And not only the material sphere of life, but also mental, emotional and spiritual. Everything in this world is interconnected, and even more so in man himself. And if the crisis came to his house, that person needs to review all your luggage, just myself, all the components of their lives. As a spiritual crisis affected not one person and not one any State, with the same problems faced by different people and countries with different political, economic, cultural and spiritual structures. Of course, the society consisting of people, potentially supporting a cause of crises will periodically suffer disasters.

We have already examined the causes of crises within the person, in relation to men and women in family and tribal relations in various spheres of society. It's time to talk about the spiritual component. Man is not only the physical body, but also a spiritual being. Spiritual component - an integral part of man. Body and soul are inseparable. Therefore, if the person and society in crisis, the crisis is their spirituality. General spiritual crisis served as a prerequisite for the current global crisis. The world is one that now and feel the full extent.

What is wrong with spirituality?

What is a spiritual crisis ? Spiritual crisis is usually regarded as a lack of spirituality. Often lack the latter correlated with the level of influence in society of religion. If people do not go to church, so they show the lack of spirituality. To some extent this is acceptable. For example, products spiritless, anti-religious and science have become weapons of mass destruction of people, cloning, genetically modified agricultural products, the destruction of the Earth's environment ... But this is only part of the problem.

The world is waking up and active development of interest in spiritual matters. Russia's example, we see that rise the ruined temples, built new ones. The President and the Russian government seeking to establish deep relationships with the various religious denominations. How many people visit the Orthodox church ... At the same time people are showing great interest in the new spiritual teachings. Produced a huge amount of spiritual literature. Develops a pilgrimage to holy places and places of power ... Many scientists injected into their worldview spiritual knowledge ... All said that the spiritual consciousness of people is growing. At the same time in our lives are still many social and other problems.
Why going to the world a powerful spiritual process is not helped us to avoid the material crisis? Probably something wrong is happening with spirituality. In what appears globality of spiritual crisis, contributing to the crisis tangible? Where are common to all peoples of the causes of problems in the spiritual realm? Based on the very essence of the crisis, we see that the spirituality of the modern society does not comply with the new time. Old forms and traditions, today's religious and scientific ideas about man and the world retard evolutionary processes.

Three reasons of a spiritual crisis at the turn of the eras

Based on the fact that religion is the highest state of spirituality and the criterion, we will try to find the causes of spiritual crisis in this area and consider the three fundamental philosophical question. I believe that the lack of clear answers to these questions is the cause of a spiritual crisis at the turn of the eras.

The first reason

Religious world teaches people to love not our earthly world and the world mountain, outside the Earth, because our planet is just a place to work out karma and zamalivaniya sins. Thus, the hardship and suffering are seen as an important part of human spiritual development. Gazing skyward in spiritual spheres, and detachment from the earth, from the realities of our world is what characterizes the current religious worldview. But such an approach contradicts the worldview of a new era. Our planet is for a happy life here and now, for the disclosure of the best human qualities! We strive to resolve problems of human life, suffering and crises. Freedom from suffering in the minds of means and parting with them in real life. It is appropriate to quote the words of the Russian philosopher Vasily Rozanov XIX century: "We have made a religion of suffering, Now we suffer and suffer and suffer ..." And you have to honestly admit that in such "suffering" the outlook of man and society will continuously pursue various problems and crises .

The second reason

In all religions and spiritual teachings in most people is not seen as the center of their lives, but as "servant of God" or "child of God." The new era requires a person grew up and took responsibility for his life. In other words, religion tend to inhibit the development of human consciousness, his adulthood. An adult trying to get rid of parental care and it is natural. Otherwise he would never become a truly mature person and will not be able to become a real parent. Today, we see that in the spiritual realm a person feels humiliated.

 Most likely, this is done specifically in order to facilitate the manipulation of man, keep him in subjection. But in a person inherently striving for complete and absolute freedom! It "requests" out and manifests itself in every way of life, which leads to many conflicts. For example, for this reason that a crisis occurs between parents and children. On this same ground Stand up atheism and theomachism - people do not want to be a slave, even the Lord God himself! This contradicts the spiritual essence of man-creator.

Entire populations, not only in the Christian world, are in the children's state of mind. For example, India, a country with vast resources, are of the highest religiosity of the population and, therefore, resides in childhood ... And now God's children from around the world make pilgrimages to the religious paradise. And as children go there to take and not give up. And India needs help, or crises, primarily religious, will relentlessly pursue her. In the same childish state of consciousness is, and Pakistan. India and Pakistan are implacable enemies of the faith, "children" with nuclear weapons in their hands ...

Religious fanaticism, extremism and its extreme manifestation - terrorism - are rooted in religious delusion that man is a "slave" and "child of" God. Parenting mature, ambitious man, is aware of its great intrinsic value, placing itself at the center of life and respects the same status in other - that is relevant to the new time of spirituality.

Reason Three

Existing religious systems ignore the self-development as a key principle of evolution. On the contrary, as the highest religious values are considered dogma. But life is constantly changing. Along with it must change and outlook. Frozen design in any sphere begin to interfere with life, are in conflict with it, which becomes the cause of conflicts and crises. The desire for immutability is dangerous to human life, society and religion ...

We have considered three main reasons for the spiritual crisis at the turn of the eras. Time requires that the first value was a man's life. There is no greater value on the earth than man. And when his place is occupied by other values, such as money, work, knowledge, ideas, higher power, etc., sooner or later there comes a crisis. Spirituality is based on the recognition of the primacy of human interests. It does not send him in search of happiness in heaven. In the first place must be paradise for the construction of man on earth, not in heaven. A man can be happy here in this life on this planet. This is his main task. Then he will be blessed in heaven.
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