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Spiritual crisis in the various spheres of life

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Spiritual crisis in the various spheres of life

Spiritual crisis manifests itself in all spheres of life. Consider the spiritual crisis in the various spheres of life by the example of Russia. A thousand years ago Russia was in spiritual crisis, to exit from which she took in her space alien religion. Slavic tribes were abused. As a result, made one choice and the rejection of their own way of development of Russian life was accompanied by constant crises. For thousands of years of Russian history does not count and fifty years of a happy society. War gave way to hunger or riots and other small and big crises ... and few people thought about why the way of our people so much suffering.

Let us once again recall the words of Vasily Rozanov: "We chose the religion of suffering, here and suffer and suffer and suffer ..." These wise words were not heard in the choir of the church hymns. And here in the XX century the country was faced with the biggest crisis - with the revolution that destroyed everything that was built on a religious worldview: Domostroy, the monarchy and the church itself. The Orthodox Church has ceased to conform to new times, hampered the development of society and people dealt with it. But the lesson was not learned, and now the church is restored to the same principles that led her to a crisis. If the Orthodox Church does not change, for it will come a new crisis, an even deeper and much sooner than a thousand years.
The revolution has not brought the Russian people happiness. People were "out of the frying pan into the fire." Spirituality is based on an atheistic worldview was inadequate and created a new series of crises: civil war, famine, pestilence, persecution, World War II. In the spirituality of the first and second period of history was missing a very important detail - the value of a person. Man can never be truly happy if he is secondary in relation to God, to the king, to the idea, and the society with distorted values system is doomed to failure.

The crisis of love

Awareness of the greatest human value and setting it in the center of life - a prerequisite of life without crisis. Another important step in this direction is associated with love. Herein lies the deepest crisis in the spiritual realm. It took a true understanding of love. The expression "make love" has become a linguistic norm, that is, for many love transformed into a physiological act. Not much, and those who great, vsesuschuyu love shared on earth and the divine, declared the first dirty and sinful. Even more those who betrayed the love and the foundation of his life put money, work, knowledge, power ... and love - this is the greatest cosmic energy vysokorazumnaya and the creative, which is the foundation of life!

Having lost the meaning of love, people separated from her God. But God is Love! We not only replaced the love of "God", "Lord," "Almighty," "Creator", "Cosmic Mind", personified it, but farmed out to religions and spiritual teachings ... And now, with the names of God and Allah the peoples go to war against each other. Destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs were dropped from the bomber with the name of God ... But if people do not separate these two great concepts of life? Even a simple replacement of various names of God in the word "Love" makes another look at these words, and life itself ... For example, if we replace such commonplaces expressions as "God is angry," "God is punishing," "fear of the Lord," "God's punishment "the word" God "with the word" love ", you'll see their absurdity ...

Spiritual crisis lies in the fact that love, who does this great energy, separated from the man! He ceased to be a creator of love and the creator of all, lost divinity. People live without love, explaining that she may or may not be, can come or not come ... but without love, man does not live, and there ... he plant or animal, but not a creator ... And here is the greatest cosmic creation - Man becomes weak asking dependent on one and all ...

Forgetting about the meaning of love and separating it from God and from man, the people brought from God himself, made him furious. Thus were born cults and religions ... The line that separates God and man, appeared "border guards" protecting the spiritual space, and mediators, who for a fee, show passes to the virtual frontier. And now actively developing a spiritual business, when the ball is ruled by money ... Branch of love from the man meant, and its separation from human activities and other forms of life ... As a result, mankind is experiencing a profound spiritual crisis ... The crisis of love became the foundation of all other crises.
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