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Spiritual needs of man

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Spiritual needs of man

Each of us in life to face a number of events and phenomena that require explanation to our lives for us, intelligible, meaningful, satisfying and, ultimately, happy. On matters affecting the subject, for many centuries, philosophy and religion meet. It is questions such as:

Who am I?

What is death?

How to deal with loneliness?

What is the meaning of life?

For what I say in my life?

Can I be free from animal origin?

Achieved a perfect?

All these issues are strongly connected with each other, and, responding to one of them, we can not answer the others. They illuminate our spiritual needs, and if we do not find answers to them, then we are unhappy. On the study of spirituality, we can go different ways: by enhancing their creative part of the personality, and through discussion of existential issues. The next series of exercises will help you open the pantry of your unconscious, hidden from your mind.

Spiritual needs of man are closely connected with religious, mystical or otherwise transpersonal experiences, so spiritual needs are, rather, in the field of "space" rather than "earth". It is in this context, spirituality and sincerity - two different things. Sincerity, sensitivity, generosity, like the ability to love and be compassionate, responsible for "human" interaction. The more people per capita, so it is selfless and generous, the more responsive to affection. At the same time because of the repetition of a sublime, spiritual idea, or any religion people are often blind and deaf to the feelings of others.
In addition, the lack of communication between the human and the spiritual can lead to death: caring much about spiritual things, we can take care of the little urgent and important for survival. It is therefore important to recognize their emotional and spiritual needs and be able to integrate them, to give meaning as "earth", that is what belongs to the sphere of feelings, and "heaven", that is what relates to spirituality.

Spirituality - the perception of time and space. That is why on a spiritual level we are asking questions about where we came into this world to go, what is the meaning of life that is death. At this level, the scope and depth are important: for example, if you love, unlimited, unconditioned. And it defines a category as "the fullness of life." Just when we feel it, we say that we are happy. Fullness of life - this is when starting with bodily needs and ending with the spiritual, we close the circle of recognition and satisfaction of their desires.

You might find that you do not know their spiritual needs, or that they are all for you merged into a conglomerate of sensations and perceptions, not only amenable to the description, detail, awareness. Let us make the exercise. This exercise is best done standing up, so choose a time when no one will disturb you and you can freely move. Stand up, wait a little bit or move. Feel your deep essence, what would it mean for you either. Important is the meaning that you will attach themselves to this notion. Try to feel where your body lives the essence of the deep, where you feel it.

Trust your body, let him tell you. Now feel the energy that exists in this part of your body. What is this energy, what is its density, color and quality? Which place on earth you have associated this energy, this bodily sensation? This can be both real and imaginary place. Make yourself at this point. Feel the power seats and power of the earth in this place. Stay in it. Being in this place, give to yourself, who started doing the exercise, of this state council, or specify a message.

Spiritual needs of man linked to the ability to recognize and extract the spiritual experience. Spirituality allows us to find the point of detachment and impartiality. It is from this point we can hear the other person, even when angry at him, and continued interaction. Spirituality can transcend a personal level, in which each is a separate individual, with their desires, thoughts, feelings, to a level where everyone is part of the field, common processes. At this level, we understand that connects people to each other. And so we can talk about uniting the property of spirituality.

Spiritual experience helps us go beyond the consensus reality, beyond the usual circle of thoughts and feelings in order to gain new experience of awareness. Spirituality is necessary for the integration of all parts of the self - physical, emotional and intellectual. Spirituality is the finishing touch in the structure of our personality, it ties together all the processes with us, and gives them the opportunity to become an impartial observer and guide. On the spiritual level, we find their inner teacher, which allows us to trust yourself and live without support from outside. At this level we gain inner mother and inner father and fills all the things could not get in childhood. Here we get the answer to the question, what if we once nedolyubili underestimated, did not bother us as we would like. By doing these exercises, you may find that your mind keeps you imagine this nature and on its behalf to say something. We have very few use the right hemisphere of the brain (alogical, creative, irrational), in which the meantime, kept the keys to our knowledge about ourselves and how we should be happy.

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