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Spirituality is a new era

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Spirituality is a new era

Spirituality is a new era is filled with love for all facets of life here on earth. All religions, the teachings should encourage people to be healthy and happy here and now. This corresponds to the evolution of the Earth and humanity, and supported by all the flow of life. Those who try to maintain an outdated approach to understanding the man and the world will be forced to leave the scene of life. And that's one conclusion to which we are pushing the current crisis. I am not suggesting that religious people to renounce their beliefs. This is their world, they are guided by them in their lives. Do believers have their joy and their misery, corresponding to this worldview. I urge to look at life from different perspectives, analyze the different possibilities of constructing happiness and choose the most suitable variant for you. But you must remember that every person - the creator of his own life.

And the higher and lower, and light and dark forces are manifested in human life and then only as and when it so desires. They may be present in his life and not have to help the man and stop him. A person can be friends with them, and can fight. It all depends on the will and desire of the man-creator! On this basis, I choose life for a happy planet Earth, where man lives in love, joy and happiness. Everything on Earth is specifically designed for such of his life. A person should not work "in the sweat of his brow, and engage in a joyful creative work, bringing well-being of himself and the world around them. I choose a life in which the main value is the relationship between people and between man and woman.
 Building a good, respectful, loving and friendly relations with every person they encounter - that is the main task of the inhabitants of the earth. On my planet people constantly evolving, and in all spheres of life. And he never gets into a crisis, because he chooses a different evolutionary path. Much good can be said about the Earth, on which I propose to live for all of us. In this and all my other books, I create images of a happy life on a happy planet. And every person at any time have the opportunity to join me and my friends.

Happiness for all

More and more people are aware of the opportunity to create their lives and enter into the space a happy planet. But still a lot of people who still takes his life of suffering that leaves its imprint on all people, complicating the lives of those who seek happiness. We are all interconnected, we form a single community. Awareness of human responsibility for the world - an important component of modern spirituality. Only then can he consider himself a mature personality. It is impossible to build communism in one country, the more revolutionary way.

This country will come into conflict with the outside world, which entails a conflict, even war. Risen in this way the Soviet Union ceased to exist, since around the country appeared too high voltage. The same applies to humans. A man alone can be happy only to a certain limit. If his happiness will not be distributed further to other people, a person inevitably be a conflict with the outside world. Happiness to be shared, not confined to our own little world. True spirituality is a conscious happy life in deep love. But this is a very challenging task, since we are surrounded by a large number of unhappy people. But that is just and is the path to the truth.

At the same time, many choose another, easier way - they feel unhappy, ask for help from God, from the state, by others. It's easier. Therefore, the poor people much more. Many are waiting for a miracle to get rid of some pain, get some benefits. They hope that medicine will cure them from disease, and spending on services of doctors a lot of money. Or gather in huge halls in anticipation of the grace of another miracle worker. Travel thousands of miles to the holy relics and ask, ask, ask ... The unfortunate man is a child who depends on everyone and everything in this world and every now and then faced with small and big crises. Perhaps it's better to live a healthy lifestyle, take care of your body and mind? Maybe learn how to build a relationship with a loved one in the family? Because the roots of all problems lie in man himself. If you have a will, then quickly solve many problems which at first glance seem insurmountable.

What is the true meaning of life?

Obligatory component of human vision must be happy as a spiritual category. Appropriate representations, including the meaning of life, should be based in conscience. In the chapter "Life without a crisis in relations between men and women, we have shown that the inclusion of the meaning of life concepts" to be a man, "" being a woman "creates the conditions of the day the most harmonious and happy life. The meaning of life - is the foundation that defines all human life. So it is important to realize the true meaning of his life. On the basis of the relevant understanding of the meaning of life, in which there is no happiness in heaven, and right here on earth, should treat all religions and doctrines, which in large quantities offered to man.

Do they contribute to an increase in happiness? It is time to honestly answer this question. The only way to get rid of existing problems. An honest conversation with yourself - it's a very good tool. Look at the widespread today religions and other spiritual teachings. Very often, they inherently suffer. Which way you go, man? What choice would you do? Maybe enough experience of crisis and suffering? Maybe it's time to get experience a happy life?

New era - new world

Come the new times. Corresponding to their worldview should be based on the desire of man to a happy life on earth. For many, religion is science. Take, for example, modern psychology as the closest to the spiritual component of human science. It became part of spiritual culture, designed to help people live happily. And psychology does a lot for this. But, despite the fairly rapid development of science, the number of happy people, increases very slowly. The fact is that today's psychology is the science of the mind, not the soul that causes disharmony inside the trinity of man. All materials used in psychology methods aim to ensure that a person immersed in the problem to them he lived, worked ...

Such samoekzekutsiey can do all my life, "pulling out" of a more subtle issues. And they do not disappear, and connected with the world people take up the problem of other people ... This process is endless. I mean that the process of care a person from suffering is by immersion at a greater depth. It's time not to treat disease, and use methods aimed at creating a happy life. A man came into the world of joy, for fun, for happiness. We do not need a hard luck. Came a new era.

On the development of spiritual crisis affects that people stop treating the Earth as a living being stopped loving her. Consumer attitudes towards it led to the fact that the planet may at any time be a global civilization crisis ... Earth almost cries out: "think again, folks!" Occurred several years ago, a small shift of tectonic plates in the South-East Asia cost the lives of three hundred thousand people. We and the Earth - a single organism, and its status is important to quality of life for everyone ...
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