Sprinkling machine
If you want the machine went regularly, and on the road with you is not nothing bad has happened from time to time, sprinkles it with holy water. This is recommended after each wash. Be sure to sprinkle a car before a long journey. Before sprinkling machines read a prayer for the blessing of the case and Psalm 90.
Open all the car doors and hood and trunk. Sprinkle start with the driver's seat. Circumventing the car in a clockwise direction crosswise spray all sides of the machine and the salon, saying "In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.
Before a long journey after sprinkling prays driver as well as prayers for the trip.
Prayer driver
God, merciful and all-good, all ohranyayay his mercy and love for mankind, humbly beseech Thee, predstatelstvom Virgin and All Saints, preserve us from sudden death and all adversity mene, a sinner, and entrusted to me by a man and Pomozov unscathed deliver each according to his needs. Good gracious! Deliver Me from zlago spirit foolhardiness, evil forces pianstva causing misfortunes and sudden death without repentance. Save Me, O Lord, with a clear conscience to live to a ripe old age without the burden of those killed and maimed by my negligence of people, and glorified be thy name holy, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen.
Prayer for travel
Way and the truth sy, O Christ, thy companion angel unto thy servant today, as He Tobias, sometimes, after saving, and sound, to your glory, from every evil in any welfare soblyudayuscha the prayers of the Virgin, One mankind. Kontakion, Tone 2 Lutse and Cleopas Emmaus in sputeshestvo vavy, Savior, sshestvuy and now thy servant, puteshestvovati wills, sparing them from every zlago hardships: the whole bo Thou, Thou Mankind can though. Lord Jesus Christ our God, the true and the living putyu, sostranstvovati imaginary thy father Joseph and the Blessed Virgin Mother Tee in Egypt izvolivy and Lutse and Cleopas Emmaus in sputeshestvovavy! Inyne humbly beseech Thee, O Lord Most Holy, and thy servant Sim Thy thanks tiyu sputeshestvuy. Iyakozhe Thy servant Tobias, guardian angel and mentor after, saving and izbavlyayuscha them from every zlago hardships of visible and invisible enemies, and to the fulfillment of thy commandments nastavlyayuscha peacefully and well forwarding safely and sensibly, and again returning intact and undisturbed, and grant them all good his intention to blagougozhdeniyu Thy safely in the glory of Thy ispolniti. Yours is more, hedgehog and milovati spasati us, and we send up glory to Thee with Thy Father, and from holy and good and Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen.
Prayer for the trip to the Most Holy Theotokos "Quick to"
Blessed Lady, Virgin Mother of God, God's Word more than the words on vsyakago rozhdshaya our salvation and His grace preizobilno above all who didst accept the sea yavlshayasya divine gifts and miracles prisnotekuschaya river, which is poured out kindness to all, with faith in You resorts! Your miraculous image pripadayusche, we pray Thee vseschedrey Mother Chelovekolyubivago Masters: prebogatyya surprising to us thy mercy, and our petitions we get from you, Quick to, will accelerate ispolniti all hedgehog in favor of consolation and salvation, koemuzhdo ustroyayuschi. Visit, Preblagaya, Your grace thy servants, podazhd disease tselbu and perfect health and jerking silence, captivated the freedom and comfort to those suffering various images. Deliver, most gracious Lady, every city and country from smooth, ulcers, coward, flood, fire, sword and inyya penalty vremennyya and vechnyya, Materna Your boldness otvraschayuschi wrath of God: and dushevnago razslableniya, oburevaniya passions and Fall Liberty Your servants, for Thou so without offense till in all godliness pozhivshe in this Weeze, and in the future eternal blessings vouchsafed His grace and benevolence of thy Son and God, Emuzhe due all glory, honor and worship of His Eternal Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen.