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Sprinkling of new dwellings

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Sprinkling of new dwellings

If you have moved to another house, it must be sprinkled with holy water and cleaned with a prayer. If possible, call the priest so that he sanctified the house of a church ceremony. If this is not possible, you need to sprinkle the house and read the prayer itself. In the red corner, then hang the icon of the Savior or the Mother of God. Light a candle in front of her. Read the prayer for the blessing of the case. Then read the following prayer.

Psalm 90 (Living with)

The living help the Most High, in the blood of God of heaven dwell.

Saith the Lord: Thou my helper and my refuge, my God, I trust in Him.

Yako Toy deliver thee from the network of hunting, and from clovece rebel.

Pleschma his overshadow thee, and under his hope to krill: heavy weapon obydet His truth.
Do not fear uboishisya noschnago from letyaschiya boom in the days,

Of things in the TME prehodyashiya from sryascha and demon poludennago.

Fall from thy country tysyascha and TMA at the right hand to you, for you do not approaching,

Obache ochima your smotrishi, and the reward of sinners uzrishi.

For Thou, O Lord, my refuge, the Most High put thou thy refuge.

Not come to you bad, and the wound is not approaching your Teles,

Jako zapovest his angels concerning thee, sohraniti thee in all thy Puteh.

At the hands of angered thee, but not when pretkneshi thy foot against a stone,

On the asp and the basilisk nastupishi and popereshi lion and the serpent.

Jako against me hoping, and deliver and: pokryyu and cognition Thou my name.

Then you will call upon me, and I hear it: with it am in mourning ism him and honor him,

Long life will perform it, and show him my salvation.

Prayer for entering into a new home

As He Zakheovu house of Thy Christ, salvation entrance byst, sitse and now part of the sacred ministers of Thy saints and with Thy angels Thy world podazhd this house and graciously bless him, rescuing and educating all, although it Life.

O God our Saviour, under the shadow of izvolivy Zakheevu might enter, and salvation to every home and that byvy: Sam and now zde zhiti voshotevshyya, and us, and unworthy prayers and supplications to Thee prinosyaschyya, from every harm to keep the unhurt, blessing those zde housing, and nenaveten those animals sohranyayay. For to Thee belong all glory, honor and worship, with Thy Father, and with the holy, and good, life-giving Spirit, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen.

Psalm 100

Grace and the court may sing to Thee, O Lord;

I sing and mind in ways blameless; when you come to me?

Prehozhdah in the gentleness of my heart in the midst of my house.

Not offering pre ochima my thing zakonoprestupnuyu; tvoryaschyya voznenavideh crime.

Not prilpe my heart of the Shrew; uklonyayuschagosya from me the evil one within.

Oklevetayuschago tai iskrennyago her, this expelling; proud nesytym eye and heart, with no symmetry yadyah.

My eyes on vernyya land posazhdati I with me, walking on the road is pure, this sluzhashe mi.

Not zhivyashe midst of my house satisfies pride; glagolyay unrighteous not ispravlyashe before ochima mine.

In utriya beating all the sinners of the earth, hedgehog consumers of all hail Lord delayuschyya lawlessness.


You want your home was the well-being and prosperity, read a prayer righteous Joseph the Beautiful (as you know, with the arrival of Joseph in Potiphar's house in order in the house appeared throughout the abundance).

Prayer of the righteous Joseph the Beautiful

O holy ugodniche God, righteous Joseph! Fought a good podvizavsya on earth vospriyal in heaven a crown of righteousness and His is the Lord has prepared for all those who love Him. Wherefore the holy vzirayusche your image, rejoice glorious end of your residence and chtem your holy memory. You, standing throne of God, receive our prayers and to bring a merciful God, we may be pardoned for any wrongdoing and help us to become anti wiles of the devil, yes izbavlshesya of afflictions, diseases, disasters and misfortunes, and all evil, piously and righteously shall live in the present Weeze predstatelstvom And grant thy ashche and unworthy esmy, see the benefit to the land of the living, glorifying Edinago in his saints slavimago God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

Prayer of the three St. - Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom

About presvetlii svetilnitsy Church of Christ, Basil, Gregory and John, the light of orthodox dogmas ozarivshii all ends of the earth and the sword of God's word blasphemous confusion and vacillation heresies ugasivshiya! Pripadayusche to your charity, in faith and love from the depths of the soul vopiem: predstoyasche Throne of the Most Holy, Edinosuschnyya, Zhivotvoryaschyya and Nerazdelnyya Trinity, for Nyuzhe word, writing and scenes from his life and soul good podvizastesya think its always Pray It, strengthen and Ny in Orthodoxy and oneness of mind, and steadfast even to death, the confession of faith in Christ and in obedience to His vsedushevnem Church of the Holy, yea girt Ny from a height of power at all nevidimyya and vidimyya our enemies, yea will keep His Church is immutable from unbelief, superstition, heresy and schism; be granted to people our long life and good in all haste, so our pastor will give spiritual sobriety and zeal for the salvation of his flock, the authorities are lawful and right, a warrior patience, courage and overcoming the enemy, sirym Power leveling and widows, the sick healed, the young in good faith increase, elders solace , Obidimo Power leveling and all of the whole, to the temporal and the eternal life needs, Thou so in peace and repentance, the desire to save burning, the Lord working, good fight podvizayuschesya, over our dead, and was granted to the kingdom of heaven together with the Holy Petit and you always glorify holy and majestic Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer of the Blessed Virgin Mary

It is truly Thou truly meet to bless Thee, Theotokos, Prisnoblazhennuyu and Immaculate and Mother of our God. More honorable than the Cherubim and more glorious beyond compare than the Seraphim, without corruption gavest birth to God the Word rozhdshuyu, the very Theotokos we magnify Thee.

Glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. And now and ever and ever and ever. Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy. Bless.


After that, sprinkle the house, as described above, on each wall of the house and above the door, draw a cross - with chalk or pencil. Chalk or pencil to sanctify in the order of sanctification of all things (see below).
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