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Embellish your appearance, make it something new, make the best outfit - is not only possible, but you need to do to any woman before her first date. However, it is not necessary before the meeting to radically change his image: to change her hair, recolor hair completely the opposite color, to make an unusually intense for a tan. " Srazhu his spot "in this case is not the right decision. Not experiment, rather stay the way he had seen you. Ask "Why should not do it, because just before the new rendezvous women most want to change something in their appearance, such as in a special way to embellish yourself?"

The fact that the first date - it's quite an exciting event, and the change in shape takes some getting used, rethinking a new, unusual, and it will lead to the fact that during the interview you will be constantly distracted by his changed their style. 'll Always pay attention to its new shape: to seek their reflection in shop windows on the street, seeming to correct the problem, pay attention to the views of passers-by. But this is not now important to you! To you it will be important to show himself on the first date in general, leave a good impression, as well as learn more about your chosen one, to understand what kind of person he. And he looked at you, just a busy, on your very beautiful and unusual costume or makeup, decides that you empty fashionista, spoiled coquette.

Still, everything must be beautiful, harmonious, but not pretentious and without any extra, unnecessary details. First date - it's still not a wedding and not a masquerade, where the abundance of lace with difficulty gives you a step. Not need to do heroic deeds and put on a first date stilettos, if before your style was wearing jeans and sneakers - you just do not learn how to walk in unfamiliar shoes for one day, and can and do not stand in them until the end of appointment. One should also not wear a short tight skirt, if prior to this in your constant use were pants. The wearing of all things requires certain skills. And should look like this requires a particular style, because style - is one way of expression of the soul of man, his personality.

What to wear?

The very first requirement to be met by your clothing - appropriate for the purpose of the visit, events. Of course, going to a wedding, anniversary, the theater, we will choose different clothes than in hospital or at work. Going on a date, you can choose several options, but business and sport styles less suited for this purpose. Preparing for a first date, I want to get your best outfit, look like something is different.

Date up to its romantic spirit, and therefore most proper for a woman will come out on a date in a dress. Agree, a dress or skirt makes a woman more feminine, more suited for a meeting with a man. Man, going on a date, first of all want to see the feminine lady, and then - a beautiful and whatever else. Therefore, even if you wear a jacket, try to pick up his skirt, so as not to look like the work. Remember, the first meeting - the most memorable and remain in memory for a long time. No girl would not want to associate with men with a colleague at work. But it is also not the place to be if your first date she will be a long evening dress with a neckline. For the first meeting of such luxury, candid outfits still fit, though consistent with the main purpose of the meeting - a date with a man.

Since the first date is a strong emotion, you need not look too bright, vulgar and provocative. Do not be up and down very often a bright spot: Moderate amount of cosmetics, jewelry and accessories. This will bring you further inconvenience. Depending on time of day clothes and cosmetics differ in their saturation and brightness of colors: in the daytime are more appropriate light, moderate tone in the evening allowed richer. Style of dress most emphasizes individuality, if it is chosen according to the temperament of man, his character. For instance, the temperamental ladies should not wear blue, pink skirt with many ruffles, lace and ruffles. Select only "their" clothes!

Do not open the male gaze once everything: legs, shoulders and back, and abdomen, especially on first meeting. Focus on one thing: open the back, but everything is closed in front, open legs, covered shoulders and stomach. Between strangers this will cause confusion, tension. In any case, jeans, trouser suit is not for romantic dates, especially the first. There is no doubt that we should look neat and tidy and do not forget about the hair. Inspect yourself, your costume, detailed hotel and, in general, and, if you will get a good impression, feel free to go to a meeting. The main thing for a woman - to be feminine, to create his own unique way, not like the others. Let your face, your clothes would be a continuation of your nature, your nature. Be natural, in harmony with yourself and with people that first of all you enjoyed herself, and then the rest of you will be pleased.

Do not disappoint him

Do not get too flatter yourself at the first meeting. If you ascribe virtues that do not have any relation to you, then your vote may suffer disappointment. People always tend to embellish himself in front of new people and have even more women to men. However, if you do not take into account the thoughts and feelings on who go on a date for the first time, even doing the best of intentions can be an undesirable result.

In announcing the acquaintance, in the first letter of his girls often embellishes itself, give false information just to attract the attention of the desired candidate. And in fact if they downplayed its shortcomings, conceal negative facts of his life, and they give what they generally are not familiar, not thinking about the consequences that could harm themselves. Most often, these women send in photos of 5 - 10 years ago or even someone else (his girlfriend, a little-known model), and "complement" this false information about their age, children, some material benefits, etc. By the way, the most common deception - it lies with the work. Why do many believe that their profession is not interesting, and I'd rather the designer (lawyers, economists, the model - by choosing the most fashionable specialty), and not simply as an accountant or a salesman.

Of course, people will respond, intrigued by this woman. But is it not for this woman, and to the drawn image ... If you encounter a man of principle, he would not tolerate the fact of lying. If it is not so principled, then continue with your acquaintance, but he will continue to you the more incredulous. Think about it! Let's feel a man who came out on a date to one, before his eyes sees a completely different person. Think you would not really like it if you wrote to a young, imposing man, well on their way up the career ladder, and the meeting was a balding man of 50, with secondary education and residing with their children. Then why did you allow yourself this?

Of course, we naedyatsya that your partner - a man discreet and did not raise his frustration out loud, but you know - deep down you have insulted him. Understand - not every man is ready to meet a woman at 5 - 8 years older than he had before. It is better not to start a relationship with deception, disappointment, even if it ends all is well in your favor. And it may well be such that man will not put up with cheating and will not come anymore. It turns out you have lost it just because they decided to lie. Is not it better to speak the truth about yourself and know that if he disappeared, it has already for some other reason than your lies. Be confident, naturally - a woman who hardly refuse to see next to each other.
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