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St. Panteleimon the source of St. Michaels Athos Zakubanskoy desert

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St. Panteleimon the source of St. Michael's Athos Zakubanskoy desert

Location - Republic of Adygea, Kamennomostsky district, village victory.

This healing power is in possession of the Holy St. Michael-Athos Zakubanskoy-desert, situated high in the mountains of North Caucasus. Getting there is easy, but the fame of the healing power of the source causes people to make a long journey in order to plunge into the cold waters of the Mon Panteley font. Particularly helpful in the holy water source for those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases. Each year, cases of healing from cancer - and it is in the final stages, when doctors have already pronounced their verdict! Saint Panteleimon doctor, healed during the lifetime of hundreds of people, and now helps sufferers who came to venerate his shrine.

Prayer of the Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon

Holy velikomucheniche and tselebniche Panteleimon! Pray for us and do not let us not remain in those diseases, wherewith bolim soul and body! Heal those sores and scabs, koi caused us by our passions. Bolim we laziness and relaxation - Heal Ny. Bolim addiction and addiction to earthly subjects - Heal Ny. Bolim, of St. Panteleimon! Bolim forgetfulness: the work of salvation, our sins and weaknesses, of our responsibilities - Heal Ny. Bolim zlopomneniem, anger, nenavistnichestvom - Heal, tselebniche of Holy Mount Athos and the World. Bolim envy, pride, haughtiness, arrogance, for all the poverty and lasciviousness - Heal Ny. Bolim many and various attacks plotougodiya: chrevoizlishestvom, incontinence, mnogoyadeniem, sensuality - Heal Ny. Bolim drowsiness, verbosity, idle, osudlivostyu - Heal Ny, of St. Panteleimon! Hurt our eyes, sinful attitudes, hurt our ears listening to idle chatter, railings, slander - Heal Ny. Sore hands aversion to prayer vozdeyaniyu and alms alms - Heal Ny. Hurt our feet quickly reluctance to go to the temple of the Lord and desire to walk on Stogniy and home visits mundane - Heal Ny. It hurts, it hurts zelo our tongue, our lips: idle chatter, idle talk, slander, and turning away from the prayers and praises, or saying their negligence, absent-mindedly, without attention, without the concept - Heal Ny, O Lord! From head to toe bolim we are: a sore in our mind is dullness, stupidity and madness, it hurts us in the will, turning away from the holy lessons and seeking for harmful and ungodly; hurts us in memory, forgetting our sins and contains neutratno transgressions and insults our neighbors, it hurts us in the imagination, unable and unwilling to vividly present to us our death, the eternal torment of sinners, the good of the kingdom of heaven, God's wrath, suffering on the cross of Christ, His crucifixion - Heal Ny, of St. Panteleimon! All of us hurt. Nemoschstvuet and all our soul, with all its powers and abilities. Nemoschstvuet and our bodies are all with all its members. Heal Ny, of St. Panteleimon, Tselebniche bezmezdny and loving healer, servant of the Blessed Virgin, and did not leave our okayanstvo in tolitseh illnesses and infirmities tolitsey: yes heal thy grace, glorify the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, you to serve the sick was sent and gave thanks to thine of St. Panteleimon, tselbonosnuyu shrine for ever. Amen.
Prayer before a dip in the source of St. Panteleimon

Oh great ugodniche Christ strastoterpche and merciful doctor, Panteleimon! Have mercy on me, sinful servant, hear moaning and wailing, my heavenly Intreat, verhovnago Physician our souls and bodies, Christ our God that He may grant mi healing gnetuschago me ailment. Receive unworthy supplications greshneyshago above all people. Visit me blessed visit. Not abhor my sinful ulcers, anoint with oil Thy mercy and heal me: yes, sound sy soul and body, the remainder of my dny, the grace of God, vozmogu to repentance and pleasing to God and spodoblyusya perception gracious end of my life. She, ugodniche God! Pray to Christ our God, let thy predstatelstvom gives mi health body and the salvation of my soul. Amen.
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