Stage of professionalism
To start a reservation to dot the «i» that professionalism is not something static - it is constantly changing. First and foremost, it is, therefore, it is so difficult to manage, for example, simply want to become a professional in a certain area, the cause of little help. As well as the organization, a person goes through various stages of development professionalism. Understanding the nature and patterns of different phases of the operation and development expertise will enable them to manage more effectively. Thus, the stage of professionalism :
1) nucleation;
2) development;
3) use;
4) decline.
Unfortunately, life happens, such a situation in which the choice of a profession is not conscious for the person. For example, the career choices their parents when young people do not acknowledge their own interests and can not express clearly and argued his point of view. Of course, this kind of point of origin is not favorable because of potential conflict. However, it is most common in practice. The only way out of this kind of situation is more responsive to the interests of their children by parents. Tip: Do as you see fit. Upon the expiration of a certain time, you still have to ensure that only this choice was the best.
. It is clear that some jobs are potentially more vysokooplachivaemy and demand in the labor market and, therefore, the choice often is not associated with personal motivations, interests and abilities, and with a desire to gain more income. This point of origin of professionalism will continue by itself impede professional growth and development. Most often it is the cause of "burnout". Indeed, the "burnout syndrome" is difficult in diagnosis, but in most cases the reasons for its appearance are the basic positions, such as point of origin of professionalism. Despite the fact that the professional way you have started some twenty years ago, and even more still that moment where he started, will have a huge impact on your professional activities.
The man often said that he does not want an elementary work. But only in rare cases can be admitted that the reason for this is not some objective external factors, and basic things. For example, the fact that he chose the wrong profession, which he is not interested, or else when choosing their fields of professional activity exclusively they moved the self-interest. Indeed, to be honest with you - it's easy zadachka, after all, always feel so sorry for myself. Value of the point of origin of professionalism is defined not only in the diagnosis and treatment of PD, but also at preventing them. If you discover clearly determined that your professionalism was born from a negative point, then try to change it. Suppose that over time, thereby preventing a lot of negative things, or at worst crash of his career.
Professional development can occur in the following forms:
1) intensive;
2) extensively.
Professional development takes place in record time, for example, by mobilizing domestic resources, or, in some cases, a random set of circumstances. Something like "All for the construction of the BAM" or "feed the starving Volga." For example, today, are frequent situations in which direct a large company people aged 25 to 28 years, though, a few years ago, it was hard to imagine. Here, we deal with the intense kind of professionalism that is when a person makes a career in a short period of time. Only now, with all the advantages of intensive forms of professional development specialists coming along this path, are at risk, both on professional burnout, and white collar syndrome. As you know, that quickly starts quickly and finishes. Although in this rule do exist, albeit rare, but the exception.
This form of professional development involves slow, gradual improvement of it - progressive career, building their professional capacity. On the choice of a particular kind of professional development affects a large number of factors. Only here as practice shows, a growing number of young people choose an intensive way of career development. To this has a great influence specificity of modern society - the accelerated progress of all processes.
In this phase, the specialist already has substantial professional experience, connections and potential - it is claimed, in general, what we need. Then there is a return of the investment in professional development, and with a decent enough interest, because it's time to "reap". In fact, it's the golden age of professionalism, when a particular specialist may have to dictate its terms to pay. In this case, there are two main problem areas. The first is to determine its value as a specialist. In this case, it is important to estimate how much you're worth as a professional and already for this amount and offer its services. Another problematic point is precisely to effectively diagnose and manage various professional psychophysiological dysfunction, namely "burnout syndrome", "white collar syndrome", "workaholism". Avoiding or effectively manage them, you as a professional almost nothing is scary when partaking of the fruits of their labor.
Any process in nature, as well as professionalism once originated, and passed its own development path, is in decline and must be completed. The reason is that professionalism is a cyclical phenomenon - phenomena. Like an ass, who goes in a circle. What you need to consider first and foremost in their professional activities? Specific forms and variants of the decline of professionalism can be varied, depending on specifics of a particular profession, the characteristics of individual professionals as well as other external factors. Also, the time interval over which will be the decline are varied - from several weeks to several years.
Given the cyclical development of professionalism, and the stage of decay can be effectively managed. For example, the predicted time of its appearance, to go into another profession, or else go in his own profession to radically different lines. Opportunities transcend his professional death set - choose only one of them. Professionalism and the profession are not static, they are constantly changing and evolving. A value of rapid diagnosis of the condition of professionalism emerging problems is that it can achieve concrete results - increased efficiency and effectiveness of professional activity.