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Star Dating

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Star Dating

Meet with a star do not dream except that crazy about a girl. Celebrities attract us, like honey bees. Can I meet with a star? And grow whether such dating into something more? In fact, Russian star to affordable than commonly believed. They often give tours throughout the country, working closely with the fan club, blog and LJ. In short, find a way to interest you a star today is not so difficult. But why in this case stellar dating ends than worthwhile?

The fact that most celebrities severe allergy to the fans. I knew a singer who literally shuddered every time someone spoke to him. Loving fans almost brought the poor to a nervous breakdown.

- Believed to be a star - it's cool - he said - in fact it is a terrible stress. At any moment you can rush to the screaming girls. Well, if an autograph and asked to be released, and it happens that the need to kiss and invited to interview, offer to have sex. When I was younger, from time to time accept proposals for all the fans are ready. Eventually became squeamish blank bonds for one night. I would never start a serious relationship with a fan. I can not perceive the groupie as a woman.
If you want to get acquainted with the star, to start to become better acquainted with itself. Who are you? Deranged fan who dreams to get an idol in any way, or a whole individual woman, interesting and attractive for every man? Stars of every day there are dozens of people, including pretty girls. Competition, frankly, horrible. To win this battle, and attract the attention of the stars, you have than to stand out from the crowd. One eye-catching appearance is not enough. It is very important to be held on the individual and do not consider myself better or worse than anyone else.

All people are different. And if you do not become a movie star, has not released multiplatinum disc and do not defile on catwalks in Milan - it does not mean that you - an uninteresting person and unworthy of attention to the stars. It is how you perceive yourself and your life. If you think that you live full, vivid and saturated, likely to come from thee palpable glow of satisfaction. In this case, you will easily attract any man, even famous, at least some!

For dating need enough comfortable circumstances. Do not go man to hand backstage before the performance. Podgadat right moment. It is not necessary to deal with some sort of platitudes like: "I like your songs" or "What a gorgeous pass you gave at the last World Cup." Find more original and witty approach. Most importantly, try to talk to him as a simple guy, not what a star is not available. Be tactful and friendly, more mess. And all will turn out. In the end, the stars just men of flesh and blood!

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