Starry Love
We each have our own idols. We are closely following their creativity, athletic achievements, new projects, but along with this we are certainly interested in the personal life of your favorite actor, singer, athlete. To date, the most popular pairs are: Alla Pugacheva Maxim Galkin, Tatiana Navka and Marat Basharov Jan Rudkovskaya and Evgeny Plushenko. All of us are interested primarily in how true relationship of the stars? It's really feeling or well-conceived public relations move? If this is really love how far will drop lovers? Whether they will issue their formal relationship, or it will be another short-lived affair? To understand the reality of feelings of stars will help us, of course, astrology. Analyzing individual cosmogram celebrities, as well as their compatibility, we can draw conclusions, how strong and true their unions.
Be with me boy ...
Alla Pugacheva by horoscope Aries, and Maksim Galkin Twins. This union of two interesting and vibrant personalities. Alla is very energetic and talented person. In her horoscope lot of fire, six planets are in the fire element. It's safe to say that Pugacheva true Aries! Irrepressible, eccentric, temperamental.
Galkin, on the contrary nature impressionable, sensitive, it is easy enough to find common language with people. The ideal woman for Maxim - a woman is bright, bold and beautiful, who loves all things new. But at the same time a woman should not be too open, the Twins important way of innuendo - have it all Alla. Therefore, we can safely say that Pugacheva this is the type woman that attracts Galkin.
As for compatibility, and then a lot of positive moments. It is intellectually close partners, they have many common interests, they have the same views on many things. In such an alliance is the foundation of friendship relations, Maxim, and Alla, especially good friends. They can communicate very well as business partners, as the creative tandem. They complement each other, because the practicality of Maxim supplemented enthusiasm Ally, her irrepressible energy and desire to move forward is complemented by the ability to objectively assess the situation of Maxim, etc.
If we talk about marriage, its a horoscope compatibility, unfortunately, no, despite the fact that sexual compatibility with Pugacheva Galkin and good. I think that Pugacheva still plays the role of the fact that they have with Maxim is a big difference in age. Sure, they feel good together, they were friends and partners and lovers, so formalized relationship for them a secondary question, this is a formality in which they are both absolutely do not need.
So easy to be with you ...
The next pair, which now is of special interest among the fans - Tatiana Navka and Marat Bashar. Tatiana by horoscope Aries, Marat - Lev. These are two strong and ambitious character. Moreover, according to the horoscope shows that these two men are very different and they have, unfortunately, not so much in common. Tatiana fate does not pamper gifts, but just seeking their own work and has to go through life to overcome many obstacles. As for Marat - he tries to choose the path of least resistance and most of the time to enjoy their success and fame. To work up a sweat it was not his motto.
Judging from the horoscope of the couple, they have quite complex and unsteady. Two strong personalities rather difficult to find common ground. As for Marat for his relationship with the famous beautiful skater is also an opportunity to show off, he's a true Leo. The relationship is complicated further by the desire for leadership, it will generate and creative competition, and competition of personalities. Everything pretty big fly in the ointment in the end will amorousness Basharova for jealous Aries such a character trait can carry only disappointment in a partner. Even in the joint business this pair are waiting for disputes and altercations, both about money and about all sorts of other assets.
Despite all the above problems between these people have a huge sexual attraction, so the novel they will be vivid and memorable. But, unfortunately, the strongest part of this pair is the sex and only sex. As you know sexual attraction tends to fade, so if a couple no more ties, the durability of such relationships can be little doubt. With regard to marriage in the horoscope of Tatyana with a reference to some significant event in her life, who knows, maybe this will be a new marriage, but if you elect will still Marat, it is unlikely that the marriage will be harmonious.
And I love the money ...
No less popular and most talked about couple today - Jan Rudkovskaya and Evgeny Plushenko. Jana by horoscope Capricorn and Scorpio Eugene. This union of opposites that is why these people drawn to each other. But as you know, when people are too different, the relationship can not be harmonious and prosperous. On one side of the Eugene and Jana is the intellectual understanding, but everything to do with feelings, emotions, perceptions of situations in life - people with very different views on many things. Since Plushenko Scorpio, he is jealous, sensitive, emotional. Jan holds a great deal in itself and for its tangible assets are a priority in the relationship.
With a strong enough character, John will try to make Eugene a more practical, any of its undertakings and aspirations will be considered first and foremost from the standpoint of rationality. Eugene is unlikely to enjoy, because he is a person is creative and it necessarily need to give free rein to their imagination and express themselves and do something for the soul, not because it is profitable. Despite the sensitivity and emotion in Eugene will not allow to put pressure on themselves and dictate their terms for him in a pair is important, above all, friendship and understanding, so if Ian would not take his position in life, she runs the risk of parting with it.
Sexual attraction in this pair of enormous, and despite the difficulties, both visible in the horoscope clearance relationship in the near future. True, the relationship in a marriage are expected to fairly complex. If the feelings of Eugene can be no doubt, here's John, as she is practical and Mercantile will be next only to the secured and successful person. Money is known to have come to an end, and the glory - the lady quite unpredictable. I think Eugene is something to ponder at leisure ...