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Start to think positively: 6 Tips

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Start to think positively: 6 Tips

40% of success depends on our thoughts. There are people who seem to be lucky. In fact, they are just a positive attitude. Change your world view - that you prityanesh to yourself your dream!

The power of thought demonstrated by the experience of Masaru Emoto, who photographed the water crystals. If the liquid is a room where swearing and angry, its crystals were destroyed, distorted, and if the water mentally send my thanks and love, gave crystals, similar to the beautiful snowflake. We are composed of water for approximately 80%. Hence, our thoughts change yourself!

1. Let us see what you think when you ride public transportation, in what state do the job, with what feelings dreamin 'of relatives, friends? How often do you say you do not want to "," nenravitsya "," tired "? When there are negative thoughts - turned his attention to what you want, what do you like that you're interested. For example, the thought: "I do not want to work on the weekends - can be replaced with:" I want to spend the weekend with my family. " Or: "I want the weekend to dance."

2. Within two months, the morning begins with gratitude. Thank God or the universe for everything good that you have: a roof over his head for a sunny day outside, because the refrigerator is a good food for loved ones who love you, for his friends. It only takes a few minutes. You can mark your calendar every day of gratitude, and after 30 days of this action is a habit. Be ready for positive change that will occur in your life!

3. Take a piece of paper and write a stereotypical statements heard from people, for example: "Get Rich can only be gotten", "All the artists - unbalanced and single people ..." If you think so, it would hardly be able to buy a house or arranging an exhibition of his paintings. After all, you do not want to be dishonest, or lonely, or unbalanced. In fact, these statements are far from the truth. Among the businessmen are honest and decent people, the artist can be a wonderful family. One does not interfere! Add a second sheet of positive statements. The first leaf can symbolically burnt, freeing himself from the wrong settings.

4. Look and read: The great strength of the film of water. book by Louise Hay Way to himself. "

5. Come and play in childhood. Growing up, we become serious. And just as serious about life. As a result, deprive ourselves of the ease, creativity and imagination. Allow yourself to dream like a child. Psychologists say that each of us is a child - imagine this child and ask him what he wants. Allow yourself to dream, what would you do if the impossible become possible? Take a sheet of paper and write the most incredible desire. It is better that they concern different spheres of life: family, work, friends, health, hobby, for development. You should not do it at home or in office. Find a place that you like: it could be a park or a cozy restaurant.

Create a collage of your dreams. To do this you need some old magazines, drawing paper, glue, scissors, colored pencils, as well as your photo graphy. Cut out of magazines they liked you a picture: house. in which you want to live their ideal family, achievements. "Pictures should you like to find an echo in your heart. Stick them on Whatman paper, pasted their pictures. To obtain the Maldives is not an abstract landscape, and you're on an exotic beach. colored pencils write inspirational you about it. For example: "A family on a site," I am happy and loved!. "Instead of drawing paper is convenient to use a cork board to which you can attach a picture buttons. Then you can easily add or remove a picture. Hang collage of dreams in a conspicuous place so you could look at it as often as possible.

Prescribe in detail every dream. Forms a desire to right: present or past tense, as if the weight has already happened. And also in a positive manner. Not "I want to get rid of a bad relationship with a man", and "I choose relationships filled with love and trust." Then describe the dream in detail. How old is your next choice and how he looks, what? What he values and how you feel close to him?

6. Read it and see: the cartoon "Happy Feet," "Ratatouille" film - "The Secret", a book by Vadim Zeland "Transerfing reality."

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