Strategy Dating
Of course, love - not war, a nice young man - not the enemy, and you - not the commander. Yet when meeting times is very useful to crank a cunning military maneuver. No wonder they say, haste makes waste. So hurry in such an important matter as the dating and the subjugation of men, not worth it. It is better to attend to, wit and impeccable design strategy.
Popular science of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) teaches us to seek for any purpose (including man) in four stages.
So the strategy dating :
1. First, specify the target. It should be expressed in general terms, to avoid any conflict with the interlocutor. Use the abstract, general words. For example: love, desire, temptation, a serious relationship. Under the general terms refers to such concepts, which "can not touch it or put in a wheelbarrow." Since "love" can not touch it, it's a great general word that is ideal for the formulation of your goals. Thus, psychologically, to be more competent to ask the vending men: "Do you want to fall in love?" The word 'love' cause he has his own positive emotions and associations that it can be transferred to you, provided that you lead the self competently.
2. Develop multiple ways to achieve the goal. Suppose you see that young man standing alone and watches the girls. Try to carefully follow his gaze, and to understand what exactly the girls he watched. Which of them he preferred? If you can not understand his preferences, refer to him with the question: "Tell me how, on what options you choose a girl?" His answer tells you which of the senses is to have this young man's dominance. Visual will say that it is important appearance. Audial would rather explain in detail what girls he likes, and thus are likely to mention that it is important "that the girl was not just a beautiful / sexy / good, but that it was something to talk about." Kinestetik certainly can not really explain what the girl he likes. Instead, he probably would say something like: "I just feel that it's mine!"
3. Now, when you found out for himself estimated the system of human thinking, adjust for it. Go to language companion, unobtrusive copy some of his gestures, posture otzerkalivayte.
4. The most cunning trick - is to use the pace of breathing and speech buddy. The fact that the rate of our breath corresponds to the speed of our thinking. Thus, to adapt to a system of thinking of the person, rather adapt to the system of his breath. At first intercourse to go to that rate of respiration. Further, everything goes by itself.
When Academician Pavlov conducted his famous experiment with dogs and the bell, he had no idea that years later, its opening will be in every girl who is knowledgeable in matters of psychology. Perhaps the school biology course you remember that all people have the reflexes, conditioned and unconditioned. Certainly, as, for example, sneezing, we inherent from birth. Conditional - produced over time. For example, Pavlov's dogs, accustomed to the fact that every time after ringing the bell she is given that the lint, eventually became anticipate it. Worth scientist call bell, as the dog begins to flow salivating in anticipation of feeding.
People are not so different from animals. They also can work out certain emotions that are linked to specific signals. In psychology, this technique called "anchoring technique. How to make a psychological anchor man, with whom you've just had time to meet? Anchor to which any positive emotions: joy, excitement, pleasure, etc. To do this you first need to call in person, these emotions.
Psychologist Igor Vagin advised to call the interlocutor to talk about something pleasant.
For example, questioned him about how and where he spent the holiday in which countries have visited, whether he liked the sea, etc. When a young man begins to tell you about their experiences, for sure he will go again in a joyous state, and if re- outlive their perceptions of the gentle sun, warm sea, the beautiful resort of the novel, and so carefully watched his face and body language. When you notice that his excitement and emotion reached its climax, touch his hand before his hands or forearms, or cheek.
That's it! It is done. From now on, your touch will associate him with something very pleasant and joyful. Each time, when you touch him in that place, which is anchored, it will again experience the exquisite feelings and emotions that are experienced on vacation. This technique seems so simple that many do not even believe in his power. But you can test the effectiveness of their own experience.