Strategy store
People never complain about the lack of intelligence. But often complain of a lack of memory. A good memory is necessary for all. Remember: I'm not vindictive, but my memory is good? Do you have good memory? It's a tricky question, because memory is a nominalization: you can not see, hear or touch it. Process of remembering is very important. Nominalization - it is action, frozen in time. Memory is static, you can not influence it. But we can study the model of memory and improve the process. What is your strategy for remembering ? How would you remember if the following sequence? (Imagine for a moment that is very important for you to remember it).
You are given thirty seconds ... Time's up. Close the page, take a deep breath and write down the sequence. Well, how do you cope? Regardless of your success, the more important question is: what did you do? Twelve signs exceed the ability of our brain consciously maintain separate units of information. You need a strategy to combine them together into a smaller number of blocks that are ready for remembering. You can repeat this sequence again and again to form a sound recording. If you have well developed auditory channel of perception, such a record lasts a very short time. You might pronounce it rhythmically.
If you prefer to use the visual channel, you could write it down on a piece of your imagination and see it within themselves, directing his eyes upward and to the left (remember the oculomotor patterns?). You may have used the color or other submodalities to facilitate the memorization of its internal image. Pictures are stored in long-term memory, audio in short-term memory. If you spend this test with someone from my friends, it is likely that you, of course, after careful calibration, no questions asked, be able to say what strategy he uses. You could see his lips, silently stirring, or watch his eyes, scanning the sequence again and again. Maybe he will smile, building some ridiculous connection.
One nice thing is to make this random sequence some sense. For example, it could turn into this: "Wild Yogi at competitions Junior (18 years) ate Fir length of 42 meters in 1 second. Spend half a minute, giving it a proper sense - it is a good way of remembering. Good because it corresponds to how the brain works in reality. If you create an internal picture of how the Wild Yogi at competitions Junior ... it is likely that you will be unable to forget this sequence a few more days, however you try. Mobile phone one important official, I can not forget the last several years, although I've never had to use that number. But then, as he dictated to me, has stayed in my memory.
-1989. This year, I headed the Department of Art ...
-And my younger brother was born ... - I said, smiling.
-5 - A classic marker for the upstart A student.
-Oh, I had the same story ...
-49 - The year of my birth.
-So many pounds I weighed when getting married.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez said: "Do not make so much effort! All the best happens unexpectedly. " Expends effort of thought energy, in addition, effort involves the difficulty of the problem and possible failure. The harder you try, the harder it becomes. Own efforts that you undertake, becomes a barrier. Good effective strategy facilitates learning. A failed strategy makes it difficult.
Strategy literate writing (spelling)
To the question "What kind of mistakes you are willing to forgive a man?" People often say "grammar." But believe me, it happens not always. If your resume will be grammatical errors, you probably do not even summoned to "confront" - an interview. Spelling is an important skill, and many people find it difficult. You praise for creative writing, and not for the creative spelling. Robert Dilts researched process, which uses literate people, and organized it into a simple effective strategy. Literate people almost always use the same strategy, and you could check it out if they themselves write competently, or know someone who writes intelligently. Literate person is looking up or straight ahead when you say the word letter by letter: this time it renders the word and then looks down to check my feelings.
People who write illiterate, honestly trying to do the same thing, relying on sound. It is not as effective. Spelling includes spelling words with a visual representation of it on paper. The obvious step is the initial internal visual representation. Russian words (as well as words in most languages, you decide to learn) do not obey the simple rules of writing, when the sound of the letter. Literate people are saying that the internal image of the word associated with them with a sense of that word familiar to them. Correctors, whose profession requires to be literate, looking at the page of text, and say that misspelled words directly striking. If you want to become literate or have so is interested in checking this, below are the steps of the strategy.
Down with grammatical errors
1.Podumayte about anything that you feel as familiar and enjoyable. When you experience this feeling for how many seconds does not look at the word with which you are going to work. This can be useful to put a word in the upper left visual field.
2.Dalee looking away from the word and look up and left, and remember that you can, from the correct spelling of the word. Note the gaps (if any) and then look at the words, consider those letters that are missing, and repeat the process until such time as you can not see the mind's eye the whole word.
3.Posmotrite up to your internal image and then write what you see. Check that. If you notice an error, return to Step 1, consider again the word and make the image clear in my head.
4.Posmotrite up on the inner image and say a word to spell in reverse order. This will confirm that the image is clear. It is very difficult to do if to pronounce the word inside.
There are a few tips that may help you when working with the strategy of literate writing and the study of foreign languages. Use submodalities to make your image the most distinctive and memorable. Think about any situation that you really remember well. Where do you see her inner image? What submodalities? Put the word with which you are working in the same place and give it the same submodalities. It may be useful to paint a word in your favorite color. It may also be useful to put it on a familiar background. Highlight submodalities those parts of words that seem difficult. Make them bigger, approx one or highlight color.
If the word was long, break it into pieces by three or four letters in each. Make the letters small enough so that you will easily be able to see the whole word, but big enough to read them without straining. Do not limit yourself. You can paint the letters in the air while you look at them, or if you kinestetichny, draw them on his hand, building a picture and at the same time relying on their feelings. Good spelling is - the ability that can and should be developed. If you follow this strategy, you will be able to write correctly any word. Memorization by rote list of words that will probably help you to write these words correctly, but does not make you literate. Memorization by rote does not create power.