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Stress and depression in children

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Stress and depression in children

When we raise our children, we lay in them the qualities that we believe may be useful to them in life. Industriousness, sense of duty, will power, kindness, compassion, dignity, self-confidence ... But the realities of modern life are such that without such traits as resistance to stress, the child simply can not do. Stress permeated our whole life - troubles at work, emotional overload, information pressure, difficult relations with colleagues and family. Those who can not find the strength to withstand all this, get depressed, lose faith in themselves, refusing to fight, identifying themselves as losers. So begins the self-destructive personality.

Little by little, the first man is destroying himself psychologically, and then in the physical (drugs, alcohol, extreme fun) way. Deciding that they are no matter what can not influence in this world, these people adrift, suffering from a weakness and not wanting to change anything. How can we teach our children to cope with stress? For starters, do not create stress for yourself. Two of mathematics is not a reason for scandal, broken glass is not worth it to spoil the child all day. This is all minor troubles, which can easily be corrected. Tomorrow your son or daughter on their own would be called to answer in class and correct the bad mark on the top five, after school, son and dad go to the store, buy a glass, and child self-glaze frame, under the guidance of his father, of course.
 And most importantly, no one will be cause for frustration! In the end, everyone should have the right to make mistakes, and the problem of parents not glowing atmosphere, but rather to try to settle the conflict at the outset. Undesirable too rapidly to react if your child is turning awkwardly, broke or spilled anything. Give yourself a promise that if something happens, you try to stay calm. Do not try to instill in your child moral personality. If the family is healthy, normal situation, and so he decides for itself the rules that guided you in your life, and if you are concerned only with the outer side of the case, then all your efforts in vain, and you're just too nerviruete child.

 How could better educate the child resistance to stress - isolating it from traumatic situations, or, conversely, artificially simulating for him such circumstances? It is best if you teach a child to build for themselves, relatives and friends kind of "greenhouse" in which he could sit in the case of difficult situations, which would give the rest of the nervous tension and allowed to gather strength before you rush into battle with a dragon . Children are very upset by everything that is happening to their loved ones - all our troubles and tribulations of a good response in their hearts.

Why? Because all of this directly affects their safety and welfare. Adults problem - lack of money, lack of jobs, fear for their future and the future of children - very impressive for our children. They instantly "included" in our mood, and stress and depression in children occur as frequently as adults. Therefore, it is our task - the most to protect the child from experience, to create for him a kind of "nest" in which he will be warm, safe and comfortable. We must dispel the fears of our children not to lie to them, but try to explain a difficult situation with the positive side, to assure that in the end everything will be settled.

How to avoid unpleasant situations

In fact, stress - it's not very stressful situation. Stress - it's our attitude towards it. And we are completely free in its choice - to become a victim of stress or beat it. We can protect our children from stress, and we must do it. We can give our children what would become for them in their adult life, the best gift - memories of a quiet, safe, tranquil childhood. One of the effects of stress may become depressed. Melancholy, spleen, as they say in the century before, what has suffered Onegin, something from which young girls were treated at the spa, do not shy away from our children.

Continuing bad mood, the unwillingness to do anything (parents are often confused such apathy, apathy, and punish children for it, only adding to their condition), the reluctance to learn and interact with their peers - all of which can talk about what your child is depressed. Your child does not believe in yourself? He always upset about something? His conversation, call to be frank, get to talk about their problem - it will be the first, most difficult step on the road to recovery. In general, the secret exit from depression is to stop feeling sorry for yourself and start doing something.

Take your child some interesting work - new sports section, a trip to summer camp, an interesting fascinating book, all that may interest the child and help him get out of the blues. Do not support a serious decision which may adopt a child while in a depressed state of mind - change schools, leave the sports section, cease to communicate with some of his friends. Blues pass, and some of its actions will have irreversible consequences. Do not leave it alone and let him know that you are somewhere nearby, and if he will need, you can always put your business on then chat with him.

 Talk to him about what has to do with his bad mood - a new series of "Harry Potter" on Sunday's football, about what a new Barbie doll bought Auntie Anne his daughter. If your child suddenly began to cry, do not bother him - the tears are healing. The best remedy for depression - exercise. Record your baby in the sports section, and he will have no time to pity myself. Take your child for who he is, do not put important task before him, he can not be afraid to justify your confidence and suffer from it. Help him relax, and everything about him coming back to normal.
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