Strong and courageous defender
Watching the film "The Bodyguard"? And would like to do the same? Weak and fragile girls often lack the protection and care. Including physical, where is it taking? Analyzing the type of animal-aggressive men, we came to the conclusion that not every girl can meet this. After all, who at the beginning of dating seemed wild and untamed male, is proving to be the most common bull. However, this is not a vice. People are of varying degree of intelligence, education and training, and that the guy prefers rocking classic book, is by no means says that he is a bad man, not worthy of your attention. In contrast, of those now old chap could get a wonderful fellow defenders.
As an example I can give you my own story. Several years ago I met a beautiful and impressive guy. We call it Cyril. He had a perfect body, laughter, jokes and frivolous aggressive masculine assertiveness. He is neither education nor upbringing was very similar to the character's series "Brigada". From the very first meeting Cyril began to lay the path to my body. I flatly refused to meet with him, sleeping and generally have something in common. He was angry in earnest and began to cover my selective mat.

I dared not reply in the same vein, a professional boxer from shlopotat fear in the face. Instead, use all his diplomatic skills to calm an angry male and resolve the conflict. After some time my efforts were crowned with success. We chatted. I suddenly realized that Cyril, in spite of his aggressiveness, very nice guy ... Today, we are good friends. Cyril of those guys that I call for help when you have to deal with offenders. He's one of those who conduct you home late at night or on a man talk "with those who offend you. Sometimes a frightening form of Cyril enough to solve all my problems. The girls can be very different friends. Would be great if you will behold a bodyguard - a brave and loyal, strong and courageous defender .