Strong plots from damage
And now, ladies incantation of the word. They can talk at any time. You can write on paper and put it under a pillow, and you can tell a water that can then drink. So, I give you three texts. If the damage is strong and unbearable to you, use all three.
1 . In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. I'll become the servant of God (name), to bless, I'll go, crossed himself, with God's business, on God's path out of the house doors from the courtyard gate - in the open field. As in the open field Aquia holy blue sea, in Akiyane holy blue sea was Alatar-stone. As a white-stone Alatar worth gold chair, on a golden chair sits St. Mary, St. Mary holds a gold scissors, she, Holy Mary, pruned, cut, and the Holy Spirit to circumcise a servant of God (name) prikosy, prizory, lessons, and vitryanye utryanye , dennye and midday, evening and midnight, a pinch of disease and other interior: Bone and rosypnuyu hernia, and okolotnuyu hernias, pupovuyu and groin, and nadmudnuyu podmudnuyu and Skolotnev and homudtsy, Kilou and Vered, and edema, cardiac herniation, dashing damage, deaf, hiccups, talker, potyagotnuyu, pozevotu and posmeyunyu - from the bones of the brain from the eyes, from lash from those of retivago heart of the black liver of the hot blood of the joints becomes of podsustavnyh of living, from the hands of the legs, day of camp. With God's servant (name) St. Mary, damage and prikosy, prizory, lessons and vitryanye utryanye, dennye and midday, evening and midnight - the dark fishing line and dry forests, the mosses and bogs, and the rotten deck, bed-vyskiryam puts herself says: how so rotten decks and recumbent vyskiryam on stseinu so there is no green, there will not be me, to the handmaid of God (name), do not byvaet parables and spoilage, and prizoram prikosam, and lessons vitryanym and utryanym, dennym and midday, evening and midnight, vedunstvu and Mojo from now until the age of the servant of God (name) Age spovedayuchi, Immaculate Mother of God, the Virgin Altar. And lang some word forgotten servant of God (name), who put the word all in advance. Amen.

2 . Peter and Paul, the supreme apostles, close and protect me, God's servant (name), his rizoyu incorruptible from the evil man, from Ligia City Council, from rough, from cheremnovo from Belovo, from Rus, from pop, from the priest's wife, from cherntsa, from chernoriznitsy from girls-prostovoloski from his thoughts, the servant of God (name), from svoevo thoughts. And so my words and key lock. Always, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen.
3. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. From Bogoroditsynoy prayer of Jesus might be the cross, Christ of the press, from the holy help from my words, leave the devil unclean spirit accursed, the dry tree, and on mosses and marshes, and there you place life, stay and will, and there cry; and not in the servant of God (name) act willfully. The Lord Jesus Christ, the mother the Blessed Virgin, all the heavenly force, Michael the archangel, and all the holy miracle workers: Niphon and Marof, Cyprian, Justina, Conon, Isaurian, Dmitri of Rostov, Elijah the prophet, Nicholas, George, and King David John the Baptist and Blasius, Istofer and Nikita martyr; imoe word terrible and the plot is strong; forbid you damn devil, unclean spirit, never live and not be a servant of God (name), get out, and now this very minute, with all the damage and charms, and go away from the slaves still away, and go to his place where he was and where you Lord God, Jesus Christ, sent, and where you live ordered, into the abyss and hell, a land of empty nedelannuyu, there, and go out there and live, and UIS servant leave forever, from now and forever. Amen, Amen, Amen.