Stupid idea
Many believe that a truly risky include those professions that are a threat to the health or life, such as firefighters, security, MES, etc. But there are still a number of professions to choose are not recommended ... " stupid idea ! "- probably talked your parents when you declared that you want to become a model or a poet. Too risky! It is difficult to make money and feed his family, talking about such a profession. These "risky" careers include:
1. Vospitatelskuyu and teaching activities (salaries, in most educational institutions are so ridiculous that no one is eager to go to those posts).
2. Artistic activities or modeling career. (This is a matter of chance. You can coarsely lucky you sorvesh jackpot and go away to star in Hollywood, and maybe life will languish on the boards of supernumerary theater, going out with sacramental phrase: "Bon appetit.")
3. Freelance (ie, a free artist, who has no permanent job and a permanent salary, and he lives only on what he earns).
4. "Non-prestigious profession, that is, all those that are now easy to do, but it's hard to find a normal salary.
5. Professional athletes (sports - a huge lottery, which knocked out one).
Of course, do one of these occupations are very risky. Yes, in you do not shoot, you do not have to extinguish fires or render dangerous criminals. But sometimes, sadly looking at the display case of expensive shoes that you can not afford, inevitably begin to think that it is better to have someone to disarm or be shot, than to wallow in poverty. And yet no one makes you a little to earn. Today, in every profession have the opportunity to break through and prosper. Teachers are engaged in private tutoring, tutors are arranged into elite kindergartens, artists and freelancers spinning as they can. In any industry is economically profitable areas.
Engage in such "dangerous jobs" makes sense, if you really see in this their vocation. If this is your true talent and your great joy. For example, my aunt worked for many years a tutor. She repeatedly offered more high-paying jobs manager, but she stood his ground and doing what she was interested. And so it lucky: offered to go to graduate school, then teach at a university, and after, and publish their books with advice on raising children. Since its "undervalued profession" has brought her money and a new status. So know, in any case you can get through. Most importantly, a positive attitude and faith in our strength!