Subconscious mind - it is our part
This word made to scare people, writing off the subconscious all the dark and incomprehensible to the human psyche. In the subconscious hidden fears, stresses, causes diseases, repressed desires, and more. This is true, but it does not mean that from the subconscious need to hide or pretend that it does not exist. This ostrich position "bury our heads in sand" only leads to an increase in domestic issues and diseases. In fact, with the subconscious mind can be quite productively, and it will only be happy to do so.
We can say that the subconscious is a reflection of human consciousness. If a person is good and kind, then the subconscious in his bright and positive. If a person is angry, vindictive or petty, then the subconscious mind he has a mean and irritable. The subconscious mind is not something external that can ruin us. subconscious - this is our part that cares about us and helps us in every way. It is always with us wherever we are, therefore, to question him at any time and anywhere. Accordingly, it is much more convenient to astrologers, psychologists and friends - they are not always available. Another thing is that he is far from everything and does not always successfully, from our point of view.
Features of the subconscious
In the unconscious there are a few features. The first and most uncomfortable - his answers are "weak", they barely audible, and the need to earn a skill to communicate with him. Second - it is guided by its own logic, which may be different from yours. In general, the activity of the subconscious can be estimated as follows: in every way it protects us from possible stress in the future. It makes it very peculiar, but his intentions are always the best. For example, your fears about their health (or your child's safety) can also be regarded as a subconscious activity, which is bustling and trying to force you to make your health (or child), everything was in order.

Third - it fulfills your decision until then, until you deliberately do not cancel them or replace with others. If you're a kid much like to be big and solid, like your favorite teacher, the subconscious mind interprets it as your disposal and will diligently fulfill his all subsequent years, despite your many diet and struggling to lose weight. The program is running, and the subconscious works off it without any arguments. In doing so, it sometimes resembles a diligent campaigner, mindlessly performing all-disposing of the commander. And the commander of this - you, though not unaware of this.
Fourth: the subconscious - it's you and nobody else. It is not God, not a guardian angel, not higher forces and other inhabitants of the astral plane. Therefore, it does not possess divine information, does not know the stock price or the winning numbers in the next lottery draw, does not know whether successfully implemented your new project to build a bakery, etc. It knows the future and not have to ask him about it! It - it's you, and it knows exactly as much as you know yourself. Ask about the future of the subconscious, of course, possible, but the answer to reliability will be equal to the answer to your neighbor or your cat (unless of course he will tell you).
But you can ask the subconscious, whether you trust a new partner (or favorite) - it may draw attention to those aspects of his behavior, which you did not notice or did not want to miss. And the subconscious, has saved you from future shocks, indicate directly on them. In general, the subconscious mind can be regarded as an awkward and somewhat limited, but carefully and very kindly friend who is always with you and always ready to come to your aid.
Fifth - the subconscious still has great potential in comparison with you. It seems that it is the subconscious gives us the very ability to communicate with egregors, transfer them to our orders and get help from them. Those rare moments of intuitive insight when we get the answer to the long question of interest is also the result of efforts of our subconscious. We assume that these opportunities have only a certain region of the unconscious that is responsible for contacts with the Subtle World (Channel intuition), and the rest of the subconscious is responsible for other areas of our lives.